Friday, April 27, 2007

The nature of politics today

You know, more and more everyday and I am really being repulsed by the Republican Party. Now I am a moderate with some conservative leanings (belief in gun rights, capital punishment, small government, an end to welfare, etc.) with only a smattering of liberal views (belief in abortion, redistribution of wealth though through a VAT rather than an income tax). I don't believe completely in the power of rehabilitation. Certain cases, such as sexual assault and mental illness, I fail to believe in second chances. One cannot force individuals to take medication nor can one expect to ever rewire an individuals sexual proclivities. That is biologicial fact. The willingness of many Democrats to ease prison restrictions and make an inmate's life more comfortable than mine were for the longest time something that kept me at arms length. Now, the Republicans are truly beginning to piss the living shit out of me.

I was tired enough of listening to Bush blackmail this nation for years along the lines of, "If you don't do what I say, 9-11 will happen again. If you don't believe in me you aren't a patriot. You want your friends to die. You want our soldiers to die. Do what I say and don't challenge me." I heard enough of this BS in church where one isn't expected to think but to succumb. Anyone or any organization that does not believe in constructive criticism or debate knows they are not completely in the right, have a shaky faith, and probably shouldn't be incontrol. A problem cannot simply be solved head on. Bush has surrounded himself with sycophants who refuse to tell him alternatives, to challenge him, to make him govern effectively. With so much power in such mediocre hands is it any wonder this nation has gone into the crapper? Certain people laud what he has done but what I have seen is a system of divide and conquer used most effectively by tyrants.

Have you ever wondered why there is so much war in Africa? It is because of the historical culture built up by European efforts at colonization. Being the minority, the Europeans found ways to create groups and pit them against each other. It helped to prevent any group from rising up and threatening the artificial status quo created to benefit the few at the expense of the many. When the Europeans imploded following two world wars and left a vaccuum in their wake, Africa never recovered. I am afraid that this nation might be following that course. What was once a united country in one shape or form has grown more disparate, more fragmented, more hostile. Bush has used so many tools to ward our eyes from war to fear to patriotism: the tools of despots. He rewards those who support him, those power players who finance his campaigns and keep him squarely in authority. Bush sacrifices underlings to protect himself and the illegal activities that he does. Illegal wiretapping, spying, government contracts to corrupt organizations, torture, and worse. Bush uses the same scheme as Hitler: when something untoward is uncovered, of course he never knew about it. He is insulated by a layer of underlings. This administration is so rotten it is making me sick.

And now once great men are following his stead believing it will lead them to power. McCain, a man I once admired, has so sold his soul that I cannot stand to look at him anymore. He has become a liar (Baghdad safe anyone?), a conformer (belief in abortion and the Christian conservatives, a true pox on modern politics), and a syophant (Bush is right on the surge). Giuliani has become an echo of Bush policy (need for extreme government intervention to prevent 9-11, Democrats threaten the safety of this country, blah blah). These men are not fit to govern. I will not elect them. I cannot.

I refuse to go through another eight years of military involvement in what is a foreign government's obligation to right itself. Split Iraq into the three separate entities it is and allow those new nations to find their way. We didn't try to force Yugoslavia to remain a single entity. Tax breaks need to come to a close. In fact, I believe income tax should be set to a flat tax and a national VAT created so that the rich finally don't have a loophole to escape paying their fair share. They want to live like kings, pay the taxes on the goods that pleasure you so. No Child Left Behind needs to stop. A nation of test takers? There is a reason the educational system is decentralized: flexibility. Immigration: time to either start enforcing the laws or for these various employment opportunities to face up and move south of the border. I cannot defend anyone who breaks the law simply because they want a better life. Perhaps our nation, rather than continually throwing money away to buy influence abroad, should create an organization that provides microloans to Mexicans in their home country to spur on economic growth so that they will have no reason to come north to search out jobs only to be met by the backlash of a nation that fears them and their cheap labor. Time to own up to the Kyoto Pact rather than sell out to businesses who only think of the profits today rather than the environmental ruin of tomorrow. Financial accountability would also be nice. I have to spend as I earn. Why the hell should government have the right to continually spend more of my money without my say? Folks, I could go on all day.

Now, regardless of what I'm saying I'm not a Democrat. I believe them to be spineless, too idealistic and out of touch with reality, and far too willing to raise taxes to give to the "poor and downtrodden". Welfare wrecked this country. You give people money without earning it and it soons becomes an entitlement. I believe in the Pavlovian Reflex. If they stay poor they get paid. Why bother to work for something one can get for free? There is no incentive there. I believe mandatory sterilization should begin for all individuals on wlefare. If you can't take care of yourself then you have no right to do with your body something you have no right to. I also do not believe in total withdrawal from Iraq. The place is in such a shambles that with us gone it is no doubt that someone will try to step in (Iran, Syria, etc.). Then there are the candidates. Hilary is almost as bad as Bush, willing to lie through her teeth in order to garner support from anyone and everyone. Yeah, I trust you with this nation! Obama has gradually shown himself to be a political animal turning Virginia Tech into a chip on the political table with his statements meant to capitalize on that tragedy. Not even the decency to leave it alone. And since when has jobs being moved overseas been perceived as violence, Barack?

I'm telling you, if I had the money I'd probably move to fucking Canada. Canada! You see how insane I'm becoming!?!? Sure it's dull, quiet, and really empty up north but at least things still work there. And for those who call me a traitor to my country and get the hell out if I don't like it, I ask you this: if you are willing to accept something rather than do what is best for you and those around you, refuse to even try to change things for the better, unwilling to give back and improve the country that you so love, then how are you anything but freeloaders? If you aren't an active citizen, then why do you call yourself a patriot?

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