Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Fall of Day

I did not foresee the fall of Day
As that glorious Sun did falter
And came crashing to earth
Shattering to sharp shards
Across a darkening horizon.
Thunder cracked across the fields
Causing all the world to shudder
Before the land went still and cooled
With a whisper, Life's last breath.
And there, spread out before me
Was an ethereal massacre
Whose center held an ivory vision,
The pale Moon, that lost soul,
Who gazed down mournfully at me
As I longingly reached in futility
To ease her spiritual pain,
My mortal fingers finding
But insubstantial reality
As the world did go gray then black
And all that glistened mockingly
Were the remains of a broken dawn.
That sight did pierce my eyes
Causing them to bleed such sorrow.
My world was gone, swallowed by darkness
And I stood abandoned, my pain poisoning me.
I raged and cursed that source of my life
Screaming with madness, lost in the void
And then I did question…was I to blame?
Had my soul corrupted so pure a thing
Eroding her great immortality
Until she fell to earth as mortal as I?
I did love my glorious Sun, love her still
Those shards slicing my heart mercilessly.
She was my queen, my center,
My muse, the Creator of dreams
To whom I sang and who alone
Warmed this frail form within which
That wavering spark flitters,
A piece of my goddess on high.
How much she has given me,
How much I have taken.
She gave me life, true life
And I would sacrifice her to Death's clutches?
My love surpasses time,
My life long ago dedicated
From my first breath to beyond my last.
Thus I am sworn to challenge the abyss
And to walk the vast desert
Facing demons and doubt abroad,
A shade in a land of shades,
Attempting to recover Twilight's treasure
That perhaps, in my mortal hubris,
I might return lost Day to her pedestal
And make whole my fallen goddess.


Today I stopped and thought about the idea of immortality. Aren't we all just the extension of some singular being, that original, single-celled organism that is the origin of all Life? Let me simplify: we are conceived through sexual reproduction, the combining of two cells produced by the bodies of our parents. So, in effect, we are our parents...well, a fragment of our parents. And they are a fragment of theirs and so on all the way back to the most primitive, earliest state of Existence. So then, are we not simply the continuation of that earliest form of Life? Are we not, in a way, an immortal being? We would then be all but a piece of a single, Original Entity. This would explain the group consciousness, or communal subconscious. It's hard to wrap your mind around.

This idea would explain the drive to reproduce, the need to procreate. We wish to prolong ourselves. But is all this fragmenting healthy? Are we not a declining species? A piece is but a fragment of the whole and a piece of a piece of a just seems like the unraveling of that ancient tapestry, our living record. Are we waning? Are we devolving? In fact, is this not a further fragmenting of that original whole, that single cell? It seems like the Big Bang Theory where all light and energy, mass and substance was held in but one single cell before it divided. Now all is void with the dying embers of a once luminous whole. It is pushing away from the center. Is not humanity, Life, pushing away from itself, from that initial point of Creation? Is this not why we feel alone, divided, separated though we are all so physically close?

In our attempts to live on, for this Original Being to be eternal, we are disentegrating. In becoming as numerous as the sand on a beach we lossen that once solid foundation and leave ourselves at themercy of the winds, easily eroded and swept away by the tides of time. My God, are we destined for extinction despite our drive to live forever?

Friday, March 30, 2007

Further info on my novel...

Matthew Ford feels cut off from the society around him. He stares at people from afar. He walks through a crowd rather than with them. People speak of him rather than to him. He is alone, bitter, yet unable to do anything to guide his own destiny and bring himself happiness. One night he is embarrassed by a failed internet date and returns home, one sad night in a series of many.
Once home, Matthew finds himself kept awake by a bothersome ghost intent on attracting his attention despite the fact that the big final is tomorrow. In an act of displaced rage, Matthew heaves the ghost out of the house evicting it from its place of eternal residence.
The following day, after a horrible morning and a near car wreck, Matthew takes his final and proceeds to the parking lot to return home when he is accosted by two Cherubim, Mel and Ezekiel, the eternal innocents of the Christ. They tell him of an important meeting he has with their boss. Unnerved by the pair, Matthew finds himself kidnapped when he attempts to get away and spirited into the atmosphere, through space, and into a black hole on his way to Heaven.
What Matthew finds in Heaven is far from golden fields and Eden. It is a grim, Orwellian world where all are bored, watching Prime Time television for their sole glimmer of entertainment, Jesus is a neo-con fascist dictator, and the angels are a fringe element of brutal thugs constantly dreaming of undermining Jesus’ regime.
Once at the spire, the heart of Heaven, Matthew is ushered into the presence of the Almighty where he is made part of a photo-op for the struggling Messiah. With the current problems of the Church and in Jesus’ faltering authority, it has been decided to make an example of Matthew for the whole of Existence. In evicting the ghost, Matthew has broken one of Creation’s laws. Only an agent of the Church may evict, i.e. exorcise, any known entity from a property. Because Matthew is not an agent of the Almighty, he is told that his eviction of the prior night is non-binding and he must accept the ghost back. Stubborn, not simply because he has finally had enough of being pushed around, but also because he sees this as one more burden added to an already crushing life, Matthew refuses the order and even demands to speak with God. To his surprise, Matthew discovers the once great Creator is now a vegetable in a wheelchair.
In an act of disdain and the beginning of his maturation, Matthew tells Jesus no shaming "The Messiah" in front of the whole of Heaven. Matthew is cautioned there will be repercussions but fails to heed the warning. Upon his return to Earth, Matthew discovers that Jesus’ threat is not an idle one. It begins with a poor case of acne. Then Matthew’s professor is given a vision to fail his student. In a fit of rage, Matthew strikes back against Jesus in the only way he can: he desecrates a nativity scene. The feud between the two escalates until Matthew frames a priest for a string of robberies only to reveal a deep criminal streak in the Church and threaten its earthly foundations.
It is into these uncertain times that Satan appears to offer Matthew the opportunity to truly hit Jesus while he is down. Fearing what the Messiah will do in response to his latest act, Matthew finds himself seduced into aiding the Devil and becomes a new age pop guru that guides the world away from religion to a new philosophy. An important piece of his new agenda is the obese who Matthew encourages to accept the ultimate diet: fasting. In so doing he creates not only a deep undermining separation between the fat and thin, but also stokes a growing, underlying rage through the stress of withdrawal.
Matthew’s philosophy proves disruptive to America. The fat are fomenting food riots across the country and his speeches are increasingly calling for not merely a change of government but its outright overthrow. Beginning to feel doubts about what he is doing, Matthew hesitates in continuing on with the plan between him and Satan. It is then that Matthew finds himself the subject of an assassination attempt by the Vatican in order to stop the rise of the Antichrist. In a harrowing escape attempt, Matthew is murdered. Only then is it revealed that Satan was behind the murder plot before the Devil casts Matthew into Purgatory and seizes Matthew’s body for his own.
As Matthew tries to find a way out of Purgatory, Satan brings to fruition a rebellion that topples the American government and pushes the world closer and closer to World War III. The Vatican is invaded via the Patriot Act while Pakistan and India destroy one another in a nuclear war and China goes to war with Taiwan.
Through the help of two coyotes, men that smuggle Mexicans into Heaven, Matthew finds his way back to Paradise narrowly escaping an angelic border patrol that drives the group into the lands of Buddha. It is there that Matthew learns of the truth behind the two thousand year cease fire between Heaven and Hell. Heaven is collapsing, that collapse what effectively we call the expanding universe. In an effort to stop the collapse, Satan created universal law in order to bind the chaos for the eventual rebuilding of Heaven. Instead, Life appeared and God refused to allow their death for such an endeavor. Increasingly bitter and upset at God’s refusal to allow him to save Existence and finish his work, Satan is cast out of Heaven along with Jesus, one of his followers. In order to regain favor with God, Jesus attempts to enlighten man making good on his probation. To the shock of all, Jesus is crucified leading to God having a stroke. With the Creator incapacitated, Jesus hurries back to Heaven and enacts a coup stealing the authority of Existence. With his power base still wobbly, Satan offers a truce between Heaven and Hell that has held for twin millennia. It is only now, with the threat to all of Existence, that Satan’s deeper motives have become clear.
Events find themselves driven towards that final battle at Mount Megiddo between man, the undead, angels, and demons for the fate of all Existence. The only true question is how in the hell is Matthew going to survive all this?

My Novel...

Imagine God is a vegetable in a wheelchair, Jesus is the fascist CEO of a corporate Church, and a Cold War is ongoing between Heaven and Hell while America is led by a complete and utter moron whose every decision takes the world closer and closer to the brink of World War III. This is the setting for one of the most controversial novels of modern times.
For the past two millennia, there has been a Cold War between Heaven and Hell. In that time, Earth has served as the neutral zone between the two powers with humanity the pawns in a conflict whose origins remain shrouded in legend. Tonight, that all changes, as one mortal disturbs that fragile balance.
Matthew Ford is a common man, struggling through college while attempting to discover his destiny. Antisocial, passive aggressive, and immature beyond belief, this flawed person sets into motion that final prophecy that leads to the End of Days.
He travels to Heaven, is tempted by Hell, gets into a feud with Jesus, meets the moronic leader of the free world, creates a self-help movement that tears the world apart, and leads the final zombie charge on Mount Megiddo in that last conflict of all time, Armageddon.
Written by Matthew Moses, Anti-Christ: A Satirical End of Days takes a new look at religion and Man's place in it. Gone are the old archetypes of biblical lore, replaced by a cast of irreverent, flawed characters. Controversial doesn't even begin to describe the subjects this novel tackles. Self-help movements, world affairs, politics, ethnic rivalries, war, religion, and even obesity are all fair game in this epic tale of comedic world annihilation. It's not a question of whether the world is coming to an end but how!

In the Beginning...

I've decided to transfer my posts from the official site of my novel over here to help "spread the word" so to say. Being a struggling writer with limited marketing funds, I have to use any tools at my disposal to draw an audience. I hope you enjoy the content and should you enjoy my work then buy my book. Trust me, it is a fun ride.

Words unheard
Form unseen
It was as if
I'd never been.
I am a mistake
Pending conclusion
No destined purpose
Save dissolution.
I am condemned,
This body warped and weathered
By the raging storm.
My façade has been bitten by age
Holes chewed from my hide
Serving as peep holes
Into my hollow exterior.
Shadows push into the crevices
Filling me with insubstantial shadow
That sole occupant
Of my empty soul.
Confused by complications
I plunge beneath amber waves
Towards the bottom of the bottle
Tasting sweet poison,
Oh that bitter taste of the abyss.
The darkness surrounds me,
Fills me,
Veils my eyes.
As the waves go still
And my rippling pain goes placid,
My heart slows
And my numb grip slackens.
Decisions dissolve
And I revert to a simpler state.
The conscious drowns
As what hides in the dark ascends,
A resurrection of pale innocence.
It carries me towards the heavens
Escaping the world and my place
Until sobriety reincarnates
And I fall again
Into this unhappy life.