Monday, March 10, 2008

Bono is an idiot and this is why!

Bono is on a crusade to end poverty around the globe. I am not going to bash him for his idealism, though I'm a realist. You see, realists see idealists as fanatics far out of touch with reality. They won't let something such as facts or common sense get in the way of their attempts to give substance to insubstantial wonderings on how the world should be even though if the world were meant to be that way wouldn't it have naturally evolved in that direction? Have I lost you yet?

Anyway, Bono has been shaming governments into forgiving debts of third world countries, pleading with westerners to donate massive amounts of cash to these poverty stricken nations, and to uplift our poor brothers. I love the irony that this man lashes us to give all we can while he himself has not contributed a dime to his cause. We wouldn't want this to seem a vanity project!

Poverty is not the illness aflicting third world countries nor the cause of homelessness and joblessness in our own country. Poverty is a symptom of the overall economy. If the economic system of a community is maladaptive, corrupt, or just plain not working, then money dries up, jobs disappear, opportunity lessens, and people become poor. Donating cash, such as welfare and Bono's plan, does not solve the overall problem. It only masks the symptom. If we do not assault the actual problem, the poor economic systems within these communities, then these peoples will remain poor forever. Africa is suffering through poverty because of corrupt governments, poor educational systems, a lack of infrastructure, and no entrepreneurship. To solve their problems, first these nations need to stop breeding at intense rates (their flimsy economies have no room for them let alone twelve kids). A shabby economy can only further breakdown under the stress of a large population. Second, improve their educational background that these peoples may become competetive. Most importantly, though, is the need for transparent, effective government. Corrupt governance is what is holding Africa and its people in poverty, not the West and unfair business practices. Financial capital is funneled into the hands of the few, government officials sign deals detrimental to the long term well being of their nations, and the cycle persists.

There is so much more I want to say on this but I would really just get into a rambling diatribe. Suffice it to say, if Bono wants to solve the economic problems of Africa, he should be trying to reform the governments on the continent. Until that is done, you'll see chaos such as Zimbabwe and Kenya where even meager and/or impressive economic gains are again and again wiped out by tyrants and corrupt government. All Bono wants to do is create international welfare. If these African nations do not learn the value of cash (by earning it, not by debt forgiveness and donations) nor find a way to keep it out of corrupt governmental coffers, then Bono will solve nothing.

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