Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Will Smith SUCKS!!!

I know that everybody makes bad movies, but Will Smith is in a league all his own. I'm not sure if making shit movies so that the audience will appreciate if you make good ones is a valid argument for the heinous nature of his career. That's like banging your head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop. More often than not, these days people make bad movies because they can get away with it. If there were any justice, all parties involved with making drek like "Wild Wild West" would never be allowed to work in Hollywood again. But they did, and while that's great for Smith, every time somebody makes a piece of garbage like that and then brags about how they could put all of the money he made off of it on a 16 wheeler in his next family friendly rap song, it lets the studio just how much rancid shit they can get away with making. Now look where we are today in the movie industry. Perhaps one movie in 50 is any good at all, but that's okay because they're "trying". If I made as many fuckups in my job as they do in Hollywood, I'd be eating government cheese right now, but in the movie industry it's like "Nice try, here's 50 million dollars and a goodie bag."

Every actor makes bad films once in a while. You can't always pick 'em. But Will Smith makes the same bad movie over and over again. Moreover you can tell that every one of these films is framed and written to make Smith look as good as possible every second. They should call every one of these shitty films "Will Smith: The Movie Part 2 or 3 or 5" etc. The guy has all the clout in the world and he still can't bother to use it to make a literary adaptation that isn't a complete bastardization of the source material. He's not swinging for quality; he's swinging for the lowest common denominator because he knows he can succeed by appealing to the simple. Anyone using box office receipts to prove a point obviously never had one to begin with. You can sucker the idiot American public into seeing and loving anything. Look at the success of Jumper and Cloverfield and any Adam Sandler movie. He's a big box office star. Big fucking deal. It says more about the general public than it does about Will Smith as a talent.


flooberbloob said...

Well spoken! Can we please take Will Smug....Smith and shoot him into space along with Sandler, Spade, Rob Schneider and the rest of the one-trick ponies so they can rot along with the rest of the junk out there that has outlived its usefulness?

Before we do, can we have Sandler's jaw removed so he can't torment anyone out there with his ridiculous Jutting-out-his-jaw-and-talking-like-a-special-needs-child face that he trots out on every talk show he has ever (dis)graced.

MinoxMsia said...

i think he sucks too ... can't stand it watching him trying to be a hero in every movie ...