Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Gilligan in Purgatory
Yes, I hit the professor's man-made transmitter with my fist just as a plane was about to fly directly overhead. Sure I stuffed my lucky rabbits foot inside the NASA robot, rendering it inert and useless, and I made those other NASA guys think we were Martians after I accidentally spilled glue and feathers all over everybody. And I know it was me who inadvertently moved the stick in the lagoon that the professor was using to measure the water's depth, sending everyone into a doomsday panic.
But really—is this necessary? This ceaseless, open-ended expiation of my guilt? This limbo-like state of godless suffering?
I mean, I don't even think I really believe in this place anyway. Or at the very least, I thought it was for Catholics only. I could see a good Catholic sitting in my place, thinking about the time he handcuffed the briefcase full of important government documents to his wrist, or that time when he backed up over the burning logs that spelled out SOS making them instead spell out SOL, the name of the pilot that was flying his plane directly overhead, and feeling like this might be what he deserved. That maybe through this mandatory time of final purification he may actually gain the grace needed to be worthy of heaven.
But not me. I lean more toward the Scriptural revelation that all the demands of divine justice for things like eating Mary Ann's last coconut cream pie were completely fulfilled in Jesus Christ. That time I took over the island and overzealously locked everyone in a bamboo jail just as a plane was flying directly overhead? Totally purchased back by Christ on the tree. Penance? Atonement? Accomplished!
And please don't bother throwing Romans 5:3-5 in my face either. Yes, sanctification involves suffering, but didn't I suffer enough when the professor turned me invisible, or when he hypnotized me into thinking I was Mary Ann, or when Mr. Howell sold me those worthless oil wells, jilting me out of $3 million in well-deserved golf winnings?
And if you want to talk about who deserves forced reparation of wrongs applied, look no further than my boss, his nibs The Skipper, for hitting me on the head with his hat to mark every hour of every day for three years. There's your uncleanness that shall not enter the presence of God in heaven!
Go ahead and jury-rig Hebrews 12:14 into an argument that I have to reclaim a self-lost holiness, a holiness "without which no one will see the Lord." But I would cite the many, many times my unbelievable ineptness was countered by an act of goodness so sheer and selfless that the flames in which I now sit would be quenched forever: like when I fed those cannibalistic headhunters the magic berries I found that made them see upside down, or when I dressed up as a tiki god to lift that evil curse off The Skipper or when I saved us all from certain death at the hands of that crazy Japanese sailor. But all these paled in light of the time I actually crawled up inside a live bomb to defuse it because I was the only one that wasn't fat, self-righteous or vain. Inglorious ingratitude!
I know, I know. 2 Thessalonians 2:13. Right. Right. Sanctification's not an option, blah, blah, blah. You know what? I've heard about enough, sir. Now, if you'll excuse me, I guess I've got some evil to purge...
At a recent episode of The 700 Club, a number of televangelists complained publicly over the growing shortage of lower-level show business conversions.
"It used to be back in the 1970s, every week there was a new TV star or Top 40 one-hit-wonder convert," said Jackson "Jack" Hayferd of Clear HDTV Ministry, a television-based outreach. "Now all we can get is real people."
The evangelists, including Paul Crouch, Pat Robertson, and Benny Hinn, in a five-minute segment, showed film clips of famous new Christians from 1970-1988: The Golden Off B-Media Conversions, a documentary that chronicled the fervent—if sometimes brief—Hollywood/recording industry conversions of such accoladed celebrities as Kerry Livgren of the rock group Kansas, Gavin McLeod, captain on The Love Boat, B.J. Thomas, Kirk Cameron, and adult filmmaker Larry Flynt, who, in the words of the soundtrack, "was a Christian for a ten-day period in 1977."
There were also clips of more famous glitteratti like Bob Dylan and Van Morrison, "who may or may not have been converts, since it is difficult to know from the incoherence of their lyrics."
The public statements seem to be related to the appearance in the once-relevant magazine Christianity Today of an article "Do We Need More Celebrity Preaching?", which questioned the utility of celebrity testimony at the present time "because Baby Boomers are aging and other generations may be less susceptible to media-worship." The opinion piece also expressed a wistful yearning "for the days when Paul and Jan Crouch's show was made less tedious and boring by the nostalgic scheduling of an old character from Hogan's Heroes. But whatever the cause, there is undeniably a current lack of B-List celebrities."
Serious scholars also have recently questioned the efficacy of "evangelical celebrity-ism."
"Just because someone witnesses about being saved from depression attendant on losing out for a role on his favorite sitcom doesn't mean it will automatically be relevant to the average person's needs," said Lloyd Harold, a Professor of Popular Culture at UCLA's John Wayne College of Movie Star Studies.
No causes were assigned by any of the sources for the lack of these conversions, save for one media-watcher's reference to the "Culture Wars" and to "the fact that the Boomers appear to be moving on to other forms of narcissism, like health-worship and so-called organic foods."
"It used to be back in the 1970s, every week there was a new TV star or Top 40 one-hit-wonder convert," said Jackson "Jack" Hayferd of Clear HDTV Ministry, a television-based outreach. "Now all we can get is real people."
The evangelists, including Paul Crouch, Pat Robertson, and Benny Hinn, in a five-minute segment, showed film clips of famous new Christians from 1970-1988: The Golden Off B-Media Conversions, a documentary that chronicled the fervent—if sometimes brief—Hollywood/recording industry conversions of such accoladed celebrities as Kerry Livgren of the rock group Kansas, Gavin McLeod, captain on The Love Boat, B.J. Thomas, Kirk Cameron, and adult filmmaker Larry Flynt, who, in the words of the soundtrack, "was a Christian for a ten-day period in 1977."
There were also clips of more famous glitteratti like Bob Dylan and Van Morrison, "who may or may not have been converts, since it is difficult to know from the incoherence of their lyrics."
The public statements seem to be related to the appearance in the once-relevant magazine Christianity Today of an article "Do We Need More Celebrity Preaching?", which questioned the utility of celebrity testimony at the present time "because Baby Boomers are aging and other generations may be less susceptible to media-worship." The opinion piece also expressed a wistful yearning "for the days when Paul and Jan Crouch's show was made less tedious and boring by the nostalgic scheduling of an old character from Hogan's Heroes. But whatever the cause, there is undeniably a current lack of B-List celebrities."
Serious scholars also have recently questioned the efficacy of "evangelical celebrity-ism."
"Just because someone witnesses about being saved from depression attendant on losing out for a role on his favorite sitcom doesn't mean it will automatically be relevant to the average person's needs," said Lloyd Harold, a Professor of Popular Culture at UCLA's John Wayne College of Movie Star Studies.
No causes were assigned by any of the sources for the lack of these conversions, save for one media-watcher's reference to the "Culture Wars" and to "the fact that the Boomers appear to be moving on to other forms of narcissism, like health-worship and so-called organic foods."
Five People I Would Love to Punch in the Face
Have you ever met someone for the first time and the only thought that pops into your mind is, "I wonder what they would look like with my fist through their head?"
Or maybe watching television on a warm Saturday afternoon when you notice the face of someone who, deep down somewhere in your heart, you feel needs a good fist facial?
My personal favorite is when I am out at a bar trying to drown my sorrows in some quality Jack Daniels, when I hear a voice that makes me want to smash a bottle over my own head. And then smash their head on the bar like Jon Lovitz did to Andy Dick.
Since Andy Dick has already been handled by Jon for me, I began thinking while I was drinking (as many times I do), and in my enlightened state I came up with a list of 5 people who I would love to puch in the face.
It was hard to narrow it down to just 5 because, honestly, there are lots of people who I feel deserve a five fingered sandwich in the kisser, but these top 5 are the only ones I would be willing to do some jail time over. They are in no particular order because when it comes to punishing faces, everyone gets it evenly.
1. Barry Bonds
Did anybody else remember what this guy used to look like? The picture above will help refresh anyone's memory who might have forgotten. Watch me transform as I go from a literal bobble head man body to the Baseball Hulk. GTFOH
Come on Mr. Bonds, you are seriously becoming the poster boy for everything that is wrong with today's new breed of professional athletes. Either they are shooting up (steroids), shooting up (clubs), or shooting up (salary demands).
Bonds is crazy because he still insists that he took no steroids. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, BARRY!! Oh yeah, just like Vince McMahon isn't running Roid Rage Rehersal Theater (otherwise known as the WWE) every Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. I am confident that me turning his teeth into bloody Chiclets will help to solve his problem of forgetting what he has stuck in his ass lately.
2. Paris Hilton
Whenever I see Paris, I always want to punch her in her GED having, corrupting young female minds, too much money having mouth.
At the same time I also want to fuck her around my house like a wheelbarrel, and then punch her in the face. I am torn between boning her first and then punching her, or punching her first and then boning her.
After seeing her sex tape, I would probably have to save the punching until after she finished my meat pole, unless she answers the phone in the middle of our encounter, then she gets a quick jab to the nose.
It isn't even that she looks really good or anything like that (Lindsay seems more my style - A let's get drunk and "fool around" kinda girl), it's just she would be the richest pussy that I ever had, and probably ever would have the pleasure to smell. I heard through the grapevine that rich coochie smells like opening a brand new Hermès "Birkin" bag. Sweet.
She gets punched because anyone who is 26 years young, acts like a 13 year old with a driver's license and a credit card, and get paid to teach girls to act like stupid whores, should suck down some teeth - promptly. If public stoning is still banned in America, then this is the best we can do. And she has herpes. Ewwwww!!
3. Dick Cheney
Some people might wonder why President Bush isn't in this position. Well, simply put, our President is not too bright, and punching him in the grill is like punching a retarded person. It's funny at first, but when you are alone at your house a few weeks later, you start to feel really bad about it.
Only in America, (to quote everyone's favorite murderer Don King) can you shoot someone in the face and then claim self defense.
Only in America can you be the Vice President of our country and shoot someone in the face and then claim you thought he was a quail.
Only in America can you tell your co-workers to "Go Fuck Yourself" and know that the next day you will have to face the consequences of your actions.
Only in America can you be the second most powerful man in the world and tell someone you are debating with in an open forum to "Go Fuck Yourself" and know that no matter what, you have the media at your fingertips (who will spin the story into obscurity).
Only in America did I learn that the best way to knock people off of their pedestals is to punch their glasses into the back of their heads so they can see things from a different perspective. Go Liberty!!
4. Elmo
Of all the Seasame Street characters that became popular over the years, this demon-crazed character deserves to be pummeled until the stuffing pours out of him like white, fluffy blood. If anyone has ever seen a Tickle Me Elmo doll then you know exactly what I am talking about. Please children molest me so I can have an epileptic seizure and giggle. I mean come on, Elmo is ticklish in some very inappropriate areas and honestly acts like he is possessed when he gets touched. The fact that he teaches our children that if anyone ever starts "tickling" them in odd areas, the best thing to do is fall on the floor shaking and laughing psychotically with a maniacal grin on their faces, deserves a beating alone.
To top that though, Elmo talks in fucking third person. If that isn't the creepiest shit I have ever heard from a puppet, I don't know what is. There are only a few people in this world who talk about themselves in third person, and one of them is Mr. Rv"You under the age of 16" Kelly. That is not good company, Elmo. Since you are one of the people responsible for teaching our pre-teens new and exciting things about this crazy thing we call life before they get corrupted by the poisons that are called the Public School system, you get to catch a beat down, Mr. Elmo. Because Morris doesn't like stupid crazy epileptic puppets.
5. Dale Earnhardt Jr
When was it ever cool to drive around in a circle? Oh yeah, it never had been cool. I hate the fact that he makes millions of dollars for driving in a left hand turn. Seriously, thank you confederate states for this homage to the prohibition days. I can think of nothing I would rather do than watch cars drive around. In a circle. For 5 hours. Yippie.
I mean, have we collectively gotten dumber and dumber as the years have gone by? The answer is yes, we have. And Dale Jr is responsible for that. Somebody tell this guy that he can drive around anywhere in a fancy car and attract women like flies. You don't have to take up valuable TV time just so you can get some pussy in every town you stop at.
I have gotten tricked several times (like I know many of you have as well) by turning on FOX thinking I will be getting some refreshingly coarse Simpsons or Family Guy banter, only to be subjected to hours upon hours of the Neverending Circle.
Why can't he do something that helps society, like being a taxi driver in New York or Philly, or maybe being a school bus driver? Because he is a twat, that's why. And I need to show that twat who's boss with a simple 3 hit dark. What is a 3 hit dark, you ask? 1st hit he throws up his arms. 2nd hit he turns his head. 3rd hit the lights go out for Mr. Earnhardt Jr.
Fucking twat.
Honorable Mentions
- Whoever created Pepsi tapwater, AKA Aquafina
- Bill Gates because he is Bill Gates, dammit!
- Jesse Jackson: you went from relevant to Rainbow Coalition...WTF!
- Michael Irving because cocaine is a helluva drug
- NASA...drunk astronauts huh...but no driving drunk? GTFOH
That concludes my list of people who deserve to be punched in the face by me. I know there are a lot of other people who deserve to be on here, but it would take forever to list 'em. There is probably someone who deserves to be hit who is reading over your shoulder right now. So give 'em what they need.
barry bonds,
bill gates,
dale earnhardt,
dick cheney,
paris hilton,
Know and Love Your Asshole
In any group there are three kinds of people: The leader, the follower and the asshole. It never fails and try as you might, no group will be successful without all three elements present.
The leader leads, the follower follows, and the asshole questions the leader and antagonizes the follower. All three factions are crucial to the dynamics of any group. Without the asshole, the leader wouldn't conquer the little challenges such as keeping a group together, while the follower wouldn't learn to stand up and solve an issue on their own. Assholes truly are a needed commodity in the world. Unfortunately for the group, the job of an asshole is to be an asshole. Trust me; it's not as easy as people may think. We've got a tough job despite it being only a single track agenda. I was told as a child that I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up, so I became an asshole. It's a thankless job, and it's not easy to fill the shoes of a good asshole. We're often ostracized from "normal" social groups for being too ‘verb adjective', but – that's what we do. We are also painfully undervalued. Be that as it may, I feel it is my duty to try and shed light on the two distinct breeds of assholes.
Think of this as my way of saying that your today sucks, but that doesn't mean my tomorrow has to.
A good asshole will always have:
A sense of humor.
A good asshole can make almost anything funny, even jokes about themselves. However, making anything funny isn't enough; they've got to know when it's appropriate to make something funny and when to plain shut up. If someone asks "Do these pants make me look fat?", the good asshole will respond with a light hearted "No.", give a pregnant pause and follow up with "The fat makes you look fat." The bad asshole will simply reply with a "yes." It would have been better to say nothing because "yes" isn't funny.
Someone to kick when they are down.
Often times we come across someone who is having a bad day. The good asshole will remind their victim that certain aspects of their life sucks or that, despite various other achievements, there is one irritating challenge not yet met.
This can be best seen in the "Do these pants make me look fat?" question where their victim obviously has concern about their weight and it is likely that this is the unmet challenge.
A bad asshole will devalue the achievements already attained by their victim or make a general statement about the status of various elements in their victim's life to a degree of being downright ugly (which, from a 3rd person perspective, is funny to a good asshole).
Someone to remind them that they are an asshole.
All assholes know they are an asshole. They're told this religiously, but a good asshole needs to be encouraged to continue to be a good asshole, or they go bad very quickly. Good assholes love to make someone laugh (though often it is themselves who laugh). As such, assholes are in their own rights attention whores – narcissistic attention whores, but attention whores nonetheless. It is important to note that the reminders given to assholes must be gentle.
Assholes can take being treated accordingly, but nagging an asshole about being an asshole does one of two things: Makes them a bad asshole or makes them a follower. On the same token, forgetting to remind the asshole that they are about to miss a perfect moment to be an asshole will confuse and dilute the asshole into becoming a mindless drone.
Trust me when I say this – the only thing worse than a bad asshole is an ex-asshole. They're unfunny with horrible timing and really bad taste. They strive for a level of excellence that they'll never achieve – like the 70-year old grandma who still lives in her whoring glory days by wearing a Limited Too ensemble to the grocery store. You know the deal - sports bra that supports... nothing, "hooker red" lipstick that serves to only accentuate the unique hue of antique yellow her teeth have become, 6 months overdue for a re-dye red hair in an 80's coiffe/bouffant thing, a tattoo of what I'm guessing was a baby that now looks like a tattoo of Edvard Munch's "The Scream," spray tanned leather covering she calls "skin," and booty shorts that say "juicy" which are loosely draped over the ass yet is somehow shoved up it as if to indicate that her ass was eating the shorts.
Intelligence and Self Control.
A good asshole has some degree of intelligence. People love to hate the smart asses, but their points are generally well founded. It happens to be that their means of delivery can seem sophomoric and infantile with respect to the topic. People will laugh with the good asshole or smart ass, whereas they'll laugh at the dumbass bad asshole or not at all. Thus, the dumbass counters the point of pimping themselves out for the laugh of the crowd.
I have never heard anyone say, "What's this guy doing here, he's such a smartass."
I have heard people say, "What's this guy doing here, he's such a dumbass."
Furthermore, a good asshole won't be too much of an asshole with the wrong issues or will refrain from being an asshole altogether. Good assholes know when it's time to be an asshole. Bad assholes do not.
A sense of self worth.
This can be best summed up as "Poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine." One might also infer that when comparing the good and bad asshole, it is akin to the comparison of a geisha and a butterfly girl; the geisha gets respect although she in essence is a whore, while the other gets no respect and is also a whore.
A good asshole will know when it is inappropriate to whore themselves out for the laugh. An ugly baby is funny, while a dead baby isn't.
The bad asshole will try to make them both funny at exactly the wrong time, while the good asshole will make only the former funny at the right time.
Effective time management
Assholes, good and bad alike, know the value of their time and in general are great people to go to when you have time management issues. This isn't to say that the price of consultation isn't light, or that you'll like their solution, but it is to say that the good asshole will manage your time effectively to get the most from and for you. While the bad asshole also manages time effectively, they'll simply tell you to go away as a form of better managing their own time by not wasting it on you. In short, at least the good asshole will help you.
So, next time you run into a good asshole, be sure to let them know that they're doing a good job of being an asshole by calling them an asshole. They'll be an asshole to you for it, but you deserve it.
The leader leads, the follower follows, and the asshole questions the leader and antagonizes the follower. All three factions are crucial to the dynamics of any group. Without the asshole, the leader wouldn't conquer the little challenges such as keeping a group together, while the follower wouldn't learn to stand up and solve an issue on their own. Assholes truly are a needed commodity in the world. Unfortunately for the group, the job of an asshole is to be an asshole. Trust me; it's not as easy as people may think. We've got a tough job despite it being only a single track agenda. I was told as a child that I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up, so I became an asshole. It's a thankless job, and it's not easy to fill the shoes of a good asshole. We're often ostracized from "normal" social groups for being too ‘verb adjective', but – that's what we do. We are also painfully undervalued. Be that as it may, I feel it is my duty to try and shed light on the two distinct breeds of assholes.
Think of this as my way of saying that your today sucks, but that doesn't mean my tomorrow has to.
A good asshole will always have:
A sense of humor.
A good asshole can make almost anything funny, even jokes about themselves. However, making anything funny isn't enough; they've got to know when it's appropriate to make something funny and when to plain shut up. If someone asks "Do these pants make me look fat?", the good asshole will respond with a light hearted "No.", give a pregnant pause and follow up with "The fat makes you look fat." The bad asshole will simply reply with a "yes." It would have been better to say nothing because "yes" isn't funny.
Someone to kick when they are down.
Often times we come across someone who is having a bad day. The good asshole will remind their victim that certain aspects of their life sucks or that, despite various other achievements, there is one irritating challenge not yet met.
This can be best seen in the "Do these pants make me look fat?" question where their victim obviously has concern about their weight and it is likely that this is the unmet challenge.
A bad asshole will devalue the achievements already attained by their victim or make a general statement about the status of various elements in their victim's life to a degree of being downright ugly (which, from a 3rd person perspective, is funny to a good asshole).
Someone to remind them that they are an asshole.
All assholes know they are an asshole. They're told this religiously, but a good asshole needs to be encouraged to continue to be a good asshole, or they go bad very quickly. Good assholes love to make someone laugh (though often it is themselves who laugh). As such, assholes are in their own rights attention whores – narcissistic attention whores, but attention whores nonetheless. It is important to note that the reminders given to assholes must be gentle.
Assholes can take being treated accordingly, but nagging an asshole about being an asshole does one of two things: Makes them a bad asshole or makes them a follower. On the same token, forgetting to remind the asshole that they are about to miss a perfect moment to be an asshole will confuse and dilute the asshole into becoming a mindless drone.
Trust me when I say this – the only thing worse than a bad asshole is an ex-asshole. They're unfunny with horrible timing and really bad taste. They strive for a level of excellence that they'll never achieve – like the 70-year old grandma who still lives in her whoring glory days by wearing a Limited Too ensemble to the grocery store. You know the deal - sports bra that supports... nothing, "hooker red" lipstick that serves to only accentuate the unique hue of antique yellow her teeth have become, 6 months overdue for a re-dye red hair in an 80's coiffe/bouffant thing, a tattoo of what I'm guessing was a baby that now looks like a tattoo of Edvard Munch's "The Scream," spray tanned leather covering she calls "skin," and booty shorts that say "juicy" which are loosely draped over the ass yet is somehow shoved up it as if to indicate that her ass was eating the shorts.
Intelligence and Self Control.
A good asshole has some degree of intelligence. People love to hate the smart asses, but their points are generally well founded. It happens to be that their means of delivery can seem sophomoric and infantile with respect to the topic. People will laugh with the good asshole or smart ass, whereas they'll laugh at the dumbass bad asshole or not at all. Thus, the dumbass counters the point of pimping themselves out for the laugh of the crowd.
I have never heard anyone say, "What's this guy doing here, he's such a smartass."
I have heard people say, "What's this guy doing here, he's such a dumbass."
Furthermore, a good asshole won't be too much of an asshole with the wrong issues or will refrain from being an asshole altogether. Good assholes know when it's time to be an asshole. Bad assholes do not.
A sense of self worth.
This can be best summed up as "Poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine." One might also infer that when comparing the good and bad asshole, it is akin to the comparison of a geisha and a butterfly girl; the geisha gets respect although she in essence is a whore, while the other gets no respect and is also a whore.
A good asshole will know when it is inappropriate to whore themselves out for the laugh. An ugly baby is funny, while a dead baby isn't.
The bad asshole will try to make them both funny at exactly the wrong time, while the good asshole will make only the former funny at the right time.
Effective time management
Assholes, good and bad alike, know the value of their time and in general are great people to go to when you have time management issues. This isn't to say that the price of consultation isn't light, or that you'll like their solution, but it is to say that the good asshole will manage your time effectively to get the most from and for you. While the bad asshole also manages time effectively, they'll simply tell you to go away as a form of better managing their own time by not wasting it on you. In short, at least the good asshole will help you.
So, next time you run into a good asshole, be sure to let them know that they're doing a good job of being an asshole by calling them an asshole. They'll be an asshole to you for it, but you deserve it.
Safety in Satanism
In the interest of safety for myself and others, I think I'm going to become a Satanist.
Think about it: In this day and age of Jews killing Muslims, Muslims killing Jews, abortion clinics bombed by Christians, and Christians being arrested in China, it seems that the safest faith to have is in the Dark Deceiver himself.
When was the last time you heard about a group of Satanists kidnapping people or strapping bombs to themselves? I mean, once in a while you'll hear about a misguided teen with an unhealthy interest in occult practices who becomes involved in a serious graffiti incident, but for the most part, Satanists are just keeping to themselves and keeping out of trouble.
Considering the significant trouble caused by Christians, Muslims, and Jews, it's odd that schools and communities always label the Satanist kids as at risk teens. You'd think it would be the other way around. Sure, the kid with the pentagram necklace may draw on the cafeteria table with a sharpie, but he's not going to grow up to wear dynamite leg-warmers on a bus full of people.
Going the Satanist route honestly seems pretty harmless. Besides needing to sacrifice a baby goat once in a while or organize an occasional Black Mass Orgy, the expectations are relatively low and the rewards are plenty. Check it out-- as a Satanist, I:
Get to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings
Don't have to involve myself in a physical or spiritual jihad
Don't have to proselytize and stir the turd with everyone
Can eat bacon and put cheese on my burger
Can listen to all the Rock N' Roll I want
Don't have to be terrified of sex or disgusted with my body
I could go on, but you get the idea. Who's with me on this? Maybe we could give Anton LeVey a call and see if there's a nice local SatanistChurch in the area. If not, we could meet at my house. Or we could just take a Ouija board over to the bar and grab a beer or something. Whatever.
Pace Yourself
Today, my good friend CNN tells me that people over seventy who consume one to seven alcoholic beverages a week have a "significantly lower risk of heart problems or death than those who didn't imbibe.???
Read it again -- Lower risk of DEATH. My first thought is to ask the question, "Does this mean they maybe won't die, ever? As in their risk for overall death -- impending, no-way-around-it death -- is lessened???? But I know that isn't what they mean, exactly. They mean a "lower risk of death, tomorrow.??? Which is fine. I'm guessing that's a risk you want to manage when you're over seventy.
Hell, it's a risk I want to manage NOW, so I'm thinking I should get a jump start on managing my death-risk. You can bet those older folks clinking glasses seven times a week didn't start knockin 'em back on their sixty-eighth birthday. They've had to be in training longer than that.
These are the health articles I love. As soon as I get so discouraged about trans-fats and pesticides and frankenfoods and the price of organics and poorly tested drugs and impure water and cleaning product residues and fiber intake and processed, white devil-flour that I'm certain I'll poison and pickle myself into an early grave, the media kicks me something like this. Something that says "Yeah, we said all that other stuff, but who are we kidding? Drink up!??? Like at camp when you hear that chilling story about the guy with the hook for an arm, running around these very woods, killing people, and just when you're all scared and ready to call your mom, somebody asks the camp counselor if it's true, and he says "Naw, none of that's true.??? Sweet relief!
So good news, folks! Clean livin' isn't all it's cracked up to be. Besides encouraging me to continue with the cocktails, this story cements my plan to tie it all back on when I start my coast down the slope. And you can bet I'll start up again with the smokes, too, because who can enjoy her nice, old-lady-brandy-drunk without a cigarette between her wrinkled fingers?
Read it again -- Lower risk of DEATH. My first thought is to ask the question, "Does this mean they maybe won't die, ever? As in their risk for overall death -- impending, no-way-around-it death -- is lessened???? But I know that isn't what they mean, exactly. They mean a "lower risk of death, tomorrow.??? Which is fine. I'm guessing that's a risk you want to manage when you're over seventy.
Hell, it's a risk I want to manage NOW, so I'm thinking I should get a jump start on managing my death-risk. You can bet those older folks clinking glasses seven times a week didn't start knockin 'em back on their sixty-eighth birthday. They've had to be in training longer than that.
These are the health articles I love. As soon as I get so discouraged about trans-fats and pesticides and frankenfoods and the price of organics and poorly tested drugs and impure water and cleaning product residues and fiber intake and processed, white devil-flour that I'm certain I'll poison and pickle myself into an early grave, the media kicks me something like this. Something that says "Yeah, we said all that other stuff, but who are we kidding? Drink up!??? Like at camp when you hear that chilling story about the guy with the hook for an arm, running around these very woods, killing people, and just when you're all scared and ready to call your mom, somebody asks the camp counselor if it's true, and he says "Naw, none of that's true.??? Sweet relief!
So good news, folks! Clean livin' isn't all it's cracked up to be. Besides encouraging me to continue with the cocktails, this story cements my plan to tie it all back on when I start my coast down the slope. And you can bet I'll start up again with the smokes, too, because who can enjoy her nice, old-lady-brandy-drunk without a cigarette between her wrinkled fingers?
Abstinence Only
I bet you've been wondering about my under-informed opinion on sex education. You're in luck, reader, because you're about to get it. (The opinion, not the education... or the sex.)
Okay, here we go. On the one side, we have Abstinence-Only programs. These programs teach that the only safe way to express sexuality is within the bounds of marriage. Specific information about disease and pregnancy prevention is not included. The reasoning for this: if you teach kids about sex, they will be more likely to have it.
On the other side, we have Comprehensive sex education programs. Most of you probably had this growing up. Remember the day you walked in late to health class and the teacher was putting a condom on a banana? Of course you do -- the memory arouses you to this day. That's what we're talking about here. These programs teach kids about contraception and disease prevention. The reasoning behind this method: kids are curious and talkative; better for them to get helpful, accurate information from a teacher than be dangerously misinformed by a friend.
Abstinence-Only programs are normally supported by religious conservatives, while Comprehensive programs are favored by every prominent American health organization. Which one do you think received $170 million in federal funding in 2005? Ostensibly, both programs have the same goal -- keeping teenage bodies STD-less and-baby-free -- so you'd think that federal funding would go to the one that DOCTORS approve of. You'd be wrong, though. The money goes to the Abstinence-Only programs.
You've probably noticed the slight bitterness in my tone, so I'll just go ahead and voice a few of my problems with the Abstinence-Only programs.
1) Statistics show that kids are going to explore their sexuality no matter what adults tell them. Virginity pledges may delay intercourse, but usually do not prevent it. We should give kids the information they need to keep themselves safe and knowledgeable.
2) Promoting abstinence-until-marriage is a slap to the face of homosexuals in the U.S., seeing as how, in most states, they are prevented from being married.
3) Keeping children from learning about their sexuality propagates the taboo on human sexuality. Our sexuality is a powerful, meaningful part of our identities; it seems to me to be a huge disservice to teens to attempt to keep them in the dark about such matters.
Teaching kids about the wonders and dangers of sexuality will not turn them into raging nymphomaniacs. Using Abstinence-Only programs to avoid teen pregnancy and STDs is the rough equivalent of teaching kids that the only appropriate way to avoid a broken leg is to avoid any activity that involves walking and running... until marriage.
Jesus, once again, tries to kill Halloween buzz
The time of year has come once again for many Christian parents to debate whether it's okay to have fun on Halloween or if they should, instead, make their children wait an extra day to celebrate the much lamer All Saints Day.
For the most part, the controversy surrounding Halloween has little to do with practical matters -- say, your child ingesting a razor blade hidden in a candy apple -- and is more focused on the pagan roots of the Holiday. Originally celebrated as a part of a Celtic harvest festival, Halloween marks the time when Samhain, Celtic Lord of Death, sent evil spirits out to attack humans; the logical recourse of humans being to dress up like evil spirits themselves in attempts to fool the demons and avoid harm.
Today, Wiccans still recognize the holiday as a sacred and powerful time, but most everyone else simply finds it to be a good excuse to suit up and gorge themselves on wacky taffy and mini Mr. Goodbars. Is that really so wrong?
Apparently it is. An article I just read suggests that "those who celebrate Halloween either are unaware of its roots, or are intentionally promoting a world where evil is lauded and viewed as an ultimate power??? It is not considered an option, apparently, to be aware of the roots and realize that your kids just want some freakin' candy. The article went on to say that "to counter the evil influence of Halloween, we need to join together and celebrate the reality of the heroic efforts of Christian saints over the evil in their day???
Do I get candy on All Saints Day? Can I dress up like Frankenstein’s monster? Do I get to TP the trees outside Old Man Montgomery's house? If the answer to these questions is no, you can stuff that lame ass holiday up your ass.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
11 Things Women Won't Tell You (and probably why I am divorced)
Editor's note: Some personal thoughts will slip into this list so rants are impossible to avoid.
1. Everything a woman buys for herself – from shoes to skirts and even shampoo – really costs 20 percent more than she tells you. (Nice to know "trust" is doomed in every relationship.)
2. She actually thinks about sex -- with you -- a lot. It's just that by the end of the day she's too tired to do anything about it. (Then just lay there. Not like you do much during anyway!!!)
3. She is just as nervous about commitment as you are. (Why? I'm the one who is going to suffer.)
4. She may be modern and independent, but she still wants you to be "the man." (Proof all women are schizophrenic.)
5. Her ex-boyfriends were not completely terrible in bed. (Are you saying she wasn't a virgin? That lying c**t!!!)
6. She is scared she will turn into her mother. So the worst insult you can throw at a woman you love is, “You’re acting just like your mother.” (Insult? It was the truth!!! Only difference was her mother loved me.)
7. She wants you to be jealous – but just a little bit. (Make up your mind! Do I punch the guy out or tell him to have you home by midnight?)
8. Yes, she fantasizes about hot celebrity guys, but that doesn’t mean she wants you to be one of them. (Is that why we had sex with the lights out?)
9. She tells her girlfriends more than she will ever admit to you but less than you fear. (I have video to the contrary.)
10. She really does notice and appreciate all the chores you do though she won't admit it. (No sex. No thank you. And men are the savages in a relationship? Bull shit! Take out your own trash till you throw a pity fuck my way.)
11. She loves you with all her heart, but she still gets wistful about the fact that she'll never feel that falling-in-love sizzle and spark again. (Blame #2 for the lack of sizzle and spark.)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Pondering Reality...
I know this site is notorious for its comedic/satirical, rather than overtly intellectual, content. Over the past month I've been mulling around numerous thoughts which have sprung up from my Psychology and Philosophy classes.
First and foremost, the human body is an amazing creation. How it came to be has been endlessly debated for well over a century and a half. Was it evolution? Was it the hand of God? Well, I'm not here to enter the fray of life's origin. I'm just here to posit some of my thoughts for you to chew on. Whether you swallow or spit is really your choice.
My studies have revealed how the human body is constantly evolving. I do not mean over periods of centuries or millennia, I mean during one's lifetime. The human brain is an excellent example with how it rewires and alters its shape and functionality based on stimuli. In effect, our thoughts control and affect us. We are the products of reason, thinking, and reaction.
Now I've believed as far back as I can remember that we create our own realities. There is no real right or wrong. It is what we instill faith in which makes something real. Examples are God creating the universe versus the entire process coming about from a raw, untamed force of energy exploding outward in a "Big Bang". For some the former is real. For others it is the latter. We build our lives around beliefs, create realities from thought.
Where does thought come from? Perception. But what we perceive is governed by the flesh we find ourselves in. What we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel is radically different from other species and thus not real to them. Our reality is not their reality. It is solely ours. Does that make it more important? Does that humble us in knowing there are shared realities? In fact, how would our realities look should our eyes be capable of seeing beyond the limited spectral plain we now perceive or if we were unable to taste.
Philosophy and science can be difficult subjects to bring together. Science requires true quantifiable evidence leading to a single answer for phenomena whereas philosophy is open to interpretation. What philosophy has shown me is how we structure our conscious realities around us, try to explain the reasons we act. Yet science would say we do not act but simply react. We have been reacting since the "Big Bang", or God's shove (whichever you prefer). Every action has been the result of a prior action, known in philosophy as Determinism. Without a prior act a future act cannot be. If one were to follow this theory to its end, then all action began from one single action yet if action cannot happen without prior action then how can action be at all? Surely everything has a beginning and end. But what if that is merely our view of reality corrupting what it truth? We measure time, action, and event based on temporal structure: past, present, future. Does time really function that way or is it merely a construct of our reality based on limited perception? What if life is truly a circle, constant renewal, growth, collapse, etc. What if there is no beginning, no end, but a constant. Science says energy can neither be created nor destroyed. How did this all arise? Is growth impossible? Collapse as well?
In fact, what if our lifetime is the equivalent of a small town nestled in a valley upon the whole of the Earth. All we see and know is what happens in and around us yet we are part of something larger despite not perceiving it. We cannot see what we believe to be tomorrow over the ridge nor yesterday because of a shroud of mist. Yet it is there just as we are. What if every point functions at the same time yet we cannot perceive it. What if time really is more frequency than passing, layers rather a one way road. What if all were now and as easy to touch as the screen you read this upon.
What interests me most about the human form is its ability to manipulate energy, mostly at the subconscious or unconscious level. Thoughts, sensations, sight, etc. are all nothing more than the body converting energy into electrical, chemical, or some other form which is then deciphered and translated by the brain. Our bodies are repositories of energy. Our souls, that initial spark struck by the union of sperm and egg, flares in our flesh. Thus our soul is really manipulated energy. That force out there in space which governs gravity, light, and so much more at the macro level is within us at a sort of micro level. Yet our manipulation of energy is more than the simple process of chemical reaction, kinetic power, or electrical discharge. We manipulate energy into sentience; consciousness. What does that truly mean? In manipulating energy into creating our personalities what does that say about our flesh? What does that say about death? If energy cannot be destroyed do we dissipate into all things? Do we rejoin some lost galactic whole? Or does our energy signature somehow hold? Do we become a packet of energy, like a transmission, which holds together and continues to survive beyond the flesh? If we were to continue beyond physical death what would that type of existence be like?
Science has shown energy is useless without the physical. The physical manipulates energy, turning into a thing of creation. Could life be the evolution of energy? Could we be giving thought to that once raw, unbridled force? From destruction comes construction.
And what does this say concerning the prior subject of Determinism? If everything can only happen due to a prior act, then do we really have choice? Are we bound by some fate instigated eons ago which continues to play on through us? And if we have no choice then are our thoughts really illusions? If we cannot change things, if we have no control over events, then our thoughts can't truly be unique but the combination of prior events, actions, and material. Thus we serve no purpose for ourselves but only for whatever began the process yet if the process began blindly then we are all struggling forward blindly. Is the individual really real or does it exist simply because that is how we perceive the process of existence?
Energy has evolved and continues to do so through the physical world, but if we truly do have some control over it through our bodies then imagine when we are able to consciously manipulate it. I do not mean through machines but by thought. If all began because of some prior event, mindlessly started perhaps, what if our will became powerful enough to break the onward cycle and we became strong enough to alter our reality beyond perception.
So many large ideas. So much muddling and meandering. What do I truly believe? All I can say is I believe in the right to discover. That is the only way to learn.
First and foremost, the human body is an amazing creation. How it came to be has been endlessly debated for well over a century and a half. Was it evolution? Was it the hand of God? Well, I'm not here to enter the fray of life's origin. I'm just here to posit some of my thoughts for you to chew on. Whether you swallow or spit is really your choice.
My studies have revealed how the human body is constantly evolving. I do not mean over periods of centuries or millennia, I mean during one's lifetime. The human brain is an excellent example with how it rewires and alters its shape and functionality based on stimuli. In effect, our thoughts control and affect us. We are the products of reason, thinking, and reaction.
Now I've believed as far back as I can remember that we create our own realities. There is no real right or wrong. It is what we instill faith in which makes something real. Examples are God creating the universe versus the entire process coming about from a raw, untamed force of energy exploding outward in a "Big Bang". For some the former is real. For others it is the latter. We build our lives around beliefs, create realities from thought.
Where does thought come from? Perception. But what we perceive is governed by the flesh we find ourselves in. What we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel is radically different from other species and thus not real to them. Our reality is not their reality. It is solely ours. Does that make it more important? Does that humble us in knowing there are shared realities? In fact, how would our realities look should our eyes be capable of seeing beyond the limited spectral plain we now perceive or if we were unable to taste.
Philosophy and science can be difficult subjects to bring together. Science requires true quantifiable evidence leading to a single answer for phenomena whereas philosophy is open to interpretation. What philosophy has shown me is how we structure our conscious realities around us, try to explain the reasons we act. Yet science would say we do not act but simply react. We have been reacting since the "Big Bang", or God's shove (whichever you prefer). Every action has been the result of a prior action, known in philosophy as Determinism. Without a prior act a future act cannot be. If one were to follow this theory to its end, then all action began from one single action yet if action cannot happen without prior action then how can action be at all? Surely everything has a beginning and end. But what if that is merely our view of reality corrupting what it truth? We measure time, action, and event based on temporal structure: past, present, future. Does time really function that way or is it merely a construct of our reality based on limited perception? What if life is truly a circle, constant renewal, growth, collapse, etc. What if there is no beginning, no end, but a constant. Science says energy can neither be created nor destroyed. How did this all arise? Is growth impossible? Collapse as well?
In fact, what if our lifetime is the equivalent of a small town nestled in a valley upon the whole of the Earth. All we see and know is what happens in and around us yet we are part of something larger despite not perceiving it. We cannot see what we believe to be tomorrow over the ridge nor yesterday because of a shroud of mist. Yet it is there just as we are. What if every point functions at the same time yet we cannot perceive it. What if time really is more frequency than passing, layers rather a one way road. What if all were now and as easy to touch as the screen you read this upon.
What interests me most about the human form is its ability to manipulate energy, mostly at the subconscious or unconscious level. Thoughts, sensations, sight, etc. are all nothing more than the body converting energy into electrical, chemical, or some other form which is then deciphered and translated by the brain. Our bodies are repositories of energy. Our souls, that initial spark struck by the union of sperm and egg, flares in our flesh. Thus our soul is really manipulated energy. That force out there in space which governs gravity, light, and so much more at the macro level is within us at a sort of micro level. Yet our manipulation of energy is more than the simple process of chemical reaction, kinetic power, or electrical discharge. We manipulate energy into sentience; consciousness. What does that truly mean? In manipulating energy into creating our personalities what does that say about our flesh? What does that say about death? If energy cannot be destroyed do we dissipate into all things? Do we rejoin some lost galactic whole? Or does our energy signature somehow hold? Do we become a packet of energy, like a transmission, which holds together and continues to survive beyond the flesh? If we were to continue beyond physical death what would that type of existence be like?
Science has shown energy is useless without the physical. The physical manipulates energy, turning into a thing of creation. Could life be the evolution of energy? Could we be giving thought to that once raw, unbridled force? From destruction comes construction.
And what does this say concerning the prior subject of Determinism? If everything can only happen due to a prior act, then do we really have choice? Are we bound by some fate instigated eons ago which continues to play on through us? And if we have no choice then are our thoughts really illusions? If we cannot change things, if we have no control over events, then our thoughts can't truly be unique but the combination of prior events, actions, and material. Thus we serve no purpose for ourselves but only for whatever began the process yet if the process began blindly then we are all struggling forward blindly. Is the individual really real or does it exist simply because that is how we perceive the process of existence?
Energy has evolved and continues to do so through the physical world, but if we truly do have some control over it through our bodies then imagine when we are able to consciously manipulate it. I do not mean through machines but by thought. If all began because of some prior event, mindlessly started perhaps, what if our will became powerful enough to break the onward cycle and we became strong enough to alter our reality beyond perception.
So many large ideas. So much muddling and meandering. What do I truly believe? All I can say is I believe in the right to discover. That is the only way to learn.
big bang,
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Life on Mars
Recent news has revealed the possibility of life on our planetary neighbor, Mars. It is not simply an astounding moment when humanity may finally open up to new perspectives on the origins and diversity of life, but also a redefining of what it is to be human. There are those in the scientific community who doubt the data, not surprising in a community where many prefer gradual change rather than radical redevelopments (such as the acceptance of the helio-centric model, the Theory of Relativity, etc.). A positive note is that recent polls show over 65% of Americans believe in the possibility of the validity of the findings of life on Mars. What follows is the article:
Martian soil analyzed 30 years ago by NASA 's Viking landers might contain life, according to a controversial new study that one scientist called "bogus."
A scientist has called a report saying soil on Mars may contain microbial life "bogus." The report was based on a new interpretation of data first collected 30 years ago.
The dry, freezing Martian surface could be home to microbes whose cells are filled with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water, said Joop Houtkooper of the University of Giessen, Germany. But other scientists are skeptical of his results, which is the latest in a long series of contentious claims about what the Viking landers might or could have found.
Houtkooper reanalyzed data from the Gas Exchange (GEx) experiment carried out by the robotic landers in the 1970s and speculates the martian soil contained detectable amounts of life.
"It comes out to a little more than one part per thousand by weight, comparable to what is found in some permafrost in Antarctica," Houtkooper said.
Norman Pace, a microbiologist at the University of Colorado, is skeptical of the new claims. "It sounds bogus to me," Pace told "I don't consider the chemical results to be particularly credible in light of the harsh conditions that Mars offers."
The findings were presented by Houtkooper at the European Planetary Science Congress in Potsdam, Germany this week and are detailed in a recent issue of the International Journal of Astrobiology.
The GEx experiment detected rises in oxygen and carbon dioxide gas in soil samples collected on the martian surface.
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"If we assume these gases were produced during the breakdown of organic material together with hydrogen peroxide solution, we can calculate the masses needed to produce the volume of gas measured," Houtkooper explained.
Houtkooper and his colleague Dirk Schulze-Makuch from Washington State University speculate that an organism based on hydrogen peroxide and water could survive the harsh martian climate, in which temperatures rarely rise above freezing and can reach -238 degrees Fahrenheit (-150 degrees Celsius) at the poles. The hydrogen peroxide would act like antifreeze for the cell, preventing its insides from crystallizing due to the cold.
Hydrogen peroxide-water solutions also tend to attract water, so the alien organisms could scavenge water molecules from the Martian atmosphere, the thinking goes. However, if such creatures were exposed to too much water or atmospheres with high humidity, they could theoretically die through over-hydration.
The researchers think this could account for the anomalous GEx results. The experiment exposed samples to water vapor which might have killed any hydrogen peroxide-water microbes died. The resulting breakdown of their cells would release oxygen and their organic compounds would react with the hydrogen peroxide to release carbon dioxide, water vapor and traces of nitrogen.
Houtkooper thinks the microbes could be detected by NASA's Phoenix lander, which launched on Aug. 4 and will arrive at Mars next May.
While rare, terrestrial organisms are known to use hydrogen-peroxide. The bombardier beetle, Brachinus Crepitans, uses a 25 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide to shoot steam into the face of pursuing predators.
No one suspects there are any beetles on Mars. But most experts have yet to rule out the possibility of microbial life.
"There does not appear to be any basic reason why hydrogen peroxide could not be used by living systems," Houtkooper said. "While organisms on Earth have found it advantageous to include salt in their intracellular fluids, hydrogen peroxide may have been more suitable for organisms adapting to the cold, dry environment of Mars."
But Pace, the University of Colorado microbiologist, thinks there is one very important reason why hydrogen peroxide life is unlikely. "Hydrogen peroxide inside cells is deadly in terrestrial kinds of cells," Pace said. "In fact, that's one way that our cells combat bacteria, by producing hydrogen peroxide locally."
For Pace and many other scientists, the definitive experiment performed by the Viking landers was the gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) test, which was capable of identifying substances by their chemical makeup. That test failed to turn up evidence of organic compounds. "That's the interesting experiment. Everything else can be explained chemically," Pace said.
Some scientists have speculated the oxygen results from the GEx test came from peroxide-containing iron in the martian soil.
Martian soil analyzed 30 years ago by NASA 's Viking landers might contain life, according to a controversial new study that one scientist called "bogus."
A scientist has called a report saying soil on Mars may contain microbial life "bogus." The report was based on a new interpretation of data first collected 30 years ago.
The dry, freezing Martian surface could be home to microbes whose cells are filled with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water, said Joop Houtkooper of the University of Giessen, Germany. But other scientists are skeptical of his results, which is the latest in a long series of contentious claims about what the Viking landers might or could have found.
Houtkooper reanalyzed data from the Gas Exchange (GEx) experiment carried out by the robotic landers in the 1970s and speculates the martian soil contained detectable amounts of life.
"It comes out to a little more than one part per thousand by weight, comparable to what is found in some permafrost in Antarctica," Houtkooper said.
Norman Pace, a microbiologist at the University of Colorado, is skeptical of the new claims. "It sounds bogus to me," Pace told "I don't consider the chemical results to be particularly credible in light of the harsh conditions that Mars offers."
The findings were presented by Houtkooper at the European Planetary Science Congress in Potsdam, Germany this week and are detailed in a recent issue of the International Journal of Astrobiology.
The GEx experiment detected rises in oxygen and carbon dioxide gas in soil samples collected on the martian surface.
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"If we assume these gases were produced during the breakdown of organic material together with hydrogen peroxide solution, we can calculate the masses needed to produce the volume of gas measured," Houtkooper explained.
Houtkooper and his colleague Dirk Schulze-Makuch from Washington State University speculate that an organism based on hydrogen peroxide and water could survive the harsh martian climate, in which temperatures rarely rise above freezing and can reach -238 degrees Fahrenheit (-150 degrees Celsius) at the poles. The hydrogen peroxide would act like antifreeze for the cell, preventing its insides from crystallizing due to the cold.
Hydrogen peroxide-water solutions also tend to attract water, so the alien organisms could scavenge water molecules from the Martian atmosphere, the thinking goes. However, if such creatures were exposed to too much water or atmospheres with high humidity, they could theoretically die through over-hydration.
The researchers think this could account for the anomalous GEx results. The experiment exposed samples to water vapor which might have killed any hydrogen peroxide-water microbes died. The resulting breakdown of their cells would release oxygen and their organic compounds would react with the hydrogen peroxide to release carbon dioxide, water vapor and traces of nitrogen.
Houtkooper thinks the microbes could be detected by NASA's Phoenix lander, which launched on Aug. 4 and will arrive at Mars next May.
While rare, terrestrial organisms are known to use hydrogen-peroxide. The bombardier beetle, Brachinus Crepitans, uses a 25 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide to shoot steam into the face of pursuing predators.
No one suspects there are any beetles on Mars. But most experts have yet to rule out the possibility of microbial life.
"There does not appear to be any basic reason why hydrogen peroxide could not be used by living systems," Houtkooper said. "While organisms on Earth have found it advantageous to include salt in their intracellular fluids, hydrogen peroxide may have been more suitable for organisms adapting to the cold, dry environment of Mars."
But Pace, the University of Colorado microbiologist, thinks there is one very important reason why hydrogen peroxide life is unlikely. "Hydrogen peroxide inside cells is deadly in terrestrial kinds of cells," Pace said. "In fact, that's one way that our cells combat bacteria, by producing hydrogen peroxide locally."
For Pace and many other scientists, the definitive experiment performed by the Viking landers was the gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) test, which was capable of identifying substances by their chemical makeup. That test failed to turn up evidence of organic compounds. "That's the interesting experiment. Everything else can be explained chemically," Pace said.
Some scientists have speculated the oxygen results from the GEx test came from peroxide-containing iron in the martian soil.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Zimbabwe in ashes
Over the past few years I have been reading, with keen interest, the continuing stories of Zimbabwe's internal collapse. It is a grim fascination I have with watching a culture crumble. 80% unemployment. 50-55% AIDS infected. 1,000,000% inflation (which is the worst case scenario; 5,000% the best) which forced the government to print the highest denomination in history: 200,000. They lack hard currency due to the collapse of their business sector, the flight of the middle and upper class, and government policies/corruption which has undermined the entire economic infrastructure of the nation. They're unable to pay for imports (even reaching the point of missing payments on shipments) and export nothing due to businesses either closing, factories shutting down, or a basic lack of raw materials. Their schools have all closed. And worst of all, Zimbabwe, once the breadbasket of Africa, now isn't even capable of growing enough food to feed itself when but a decade ago they were exporting food to neighboring countries. This has led to a third of the remaining population facing death by starvation. Another third of the population has fled to other countries, many willing to cross gator infested waters in order to sneak into South Africa. The nation is literally on the verge of evaporation.
My initial interest was drawn when I visited South Africa for the first time back in June 2000. I read an article on Mugabe's land redistribution plan which legitimized the stealing of farms from white farmers in order to give them to blacks, largely soldiers who had fought for Mugabe and independence from the prior white regime of Rhodesia, to further the "revolution". There was a bit of dark comedy involved as some of the "soldiers" claiming land had not been born until years after Mugabe had become leader of Zimbabwe. There also must have been some misunderstanding as these "soldiers" thought they had rights to many of the farmers' daughters too as they raped viciously during their expropriations.
From the get-go it was obvious there was no forward thinking involved in Mugabe's redistribution scheme. First, the process was not properly planned and allocated which led to chaos as multiple groups have laid claims to the same lands. In fact, many farms were seized before official orders were even established for their expropriation leading to Mugabe and his government cohorts to rush to keep up in printing legal decrees for seizures of property. Second, there was no training of these future black landowners in modern farming methods nor a gradual transfer from whites to blacks making it impossible to keep crop yields at then current levels (meaning pre-2000) as blacks proved ignorant of how to tend the land. Third, in disenfranchising the white groups of their land and thus causing a great fear that their savings would be next, Mugabe was rudely surprised by their withdrawal of much of their capital from Zimbabwe's banks as they fled to more hospitable, and law enforcing, lands. If one is to commit to a policy, one must go all the way. Mugabe must be kicking himself now for letting so much money slip through his fingers. He did eventually stop the flow of cash out of Zimbabwe but by then it had become a trickle as the majority of it was long gone.
The minute I read about what was happening I had flashbacks to Idi Amin and his stripping all non-blacks of property and wealth in order to purchase the support of Uganda's black citizens and buy legitimacy after his coup so that he could tighten his somewhat tenuous grip on power.
Amin had come to power via a coup not long after the United Kingdom had granted independence to his nation of Uganda. Despite freedom from colonial rule, many blacks still harbored animosity against their former white rulers, especially since following independence whites and Asians still controlled the majority of businesses, farms, and financial capital. Many blacks had come to think that changes would occur rapidly following indpendence with blacks realizing the prosperity they believed whites had held from them while in power. But political power did not equal economic change and the blacks became impatient and agitated. What many blacks saw was continued dominance by whites and other non-Africans leading to a subconscious belief that nothing had changed (save now there was a black puppet leader whose economic strings were pulled by Britain). What good was power without money? They still lived in slums. They still struggled in poverty. Nothing had really changed.
Amin, once in power, preyed on this belief by gradually clothing all non-blacks in every wrong imaginable for the nation of Uganda much in the same way Hitler and the Nazis had villified the Jews. Thus he began to expand his powerbase and draw support from the black population by turning them on white and Asian citizens, buying the blacks off in effect by giving them permission to seize the property of non-blacks for themselves. Finally power could be used to give the blacks what they wanted.
The only problem with this scenario of expropriation was it destroyed Uganda's infrastructure as thriving businesses were taken over by individuals who couldn't grasp simple mathematics let alone how to run a store. One funny incident had various natives, after taking over Asian and white owned clothing stores, selling pants based on their waist sizes believing that the numbers were the prices. So a 30" waist went for 30 Ugandan bucks.
Without individuals trained in management, technical aspects, electronics, etc., businesses rapidly closed down. No one knew how to formulate a plan, restock inventory, upkeep equipment, etc. Thus business, a necessary component for a middle class and a flourishing economy, vanished as no one from outside the country would dare invest in such an unstable climate and no one inside was capable of keeping it alive.
What Amin did, and what I foresaw happening to Zimbabwe under Mugabe, was create a culture of decline and violence, fashioning a climate of destruction rather than invention as he gave permission to the blacks of Uganda to finally release their repressed anger at decades of white rule. White dominance, as well as the rule of law they created, eroded. Safety came to rely not on government but power. Armed groups decided what would and would not happen. They stripped all non-blacks of everything they could get their hands on, businesses, belongings, and savings which took decades to build, and frittered it all away in a few years of wild pillaging. No one stopped to wonder what would happen when they ran out of victims.
The competent and critical elements of society were driven out as supporters were paid off. These supporters, soldiers and the mob, were really nothing more than muscle. They had no experience beyond beating the opposition down. And now they were in charge, a hungering mass that wanted to devour and was incapable of anything sustainable. But that was never their job, to create. They were around to enforce Amin's will. This was the overarching problem.
The loyalty of Amin's core supporters, his hatchet men, was based on what the leader could give them. Amin came to rely on them more and more as he ran out of ways to keep the trust of the majority of Uganda's citizens. Without foreigners and whites to blame, the economy wrecked, and no solution in sight, Amin used the only tool he had in his arsenal: brutal violence.
Thus the cycle continued to play out of divide and conquer. It had seen blacks versus whites/Asians. Once the whites/Asian were gone, Amin split the population between his security forces and the rest of Uganda. The only problem was he was running out of ways to keep the loyalty of his security forces.
As Uganda became more unstable, atrophying and rotting, and Amin continued to snatch whatever he could, he began to discover that after a while there wasn't anything left to grab. His security forces began to grumble because their pay dwindled and the remaining populace began to voice their dissent because of the fact that things were worse rather than better despite all non-blacks being driven from the nation, finally realizing they had been manipulated. The two forces were close to unifying against Amin because neither the security forces nor the citizens of Uganda were doing better than the other. Both were losing under him so why not remove him?
Amin did the only thing he could: he gave free reign to his security forces to murder, rob, and rape as they pleased. He openly sacrificed his own population, following that downward spiral further into the darkness, in order to pay off his supporters with blood when there was nothing left to give them. Thus he removed any chance of his security forces embracing the dissenting citizenry of Uganda.
I knew Mugabe was going to follow the same path. He had secured power from a nation long dominated by whites. There was a simmering anger held by the blacks over the repressive regime they had toppled. It was inevitable, Rhodesia's style of governance being heavily racist and oppressive of blacks.
At first Mugabe took the more enlightened path and followed a farsighted plan utilizing the white population's expertise in education, business, and farming. He had to. Problems with various separatist movements, as well as a war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, gave him viable excuses for why change was taking so long and why he could ill afford any radical economic changes in Zimbabwe. The separatist Ndebele nation allowed Mugabe to galvanize his people behind him against a force he could claim threatened the very independence they had finally won from white rule. Once the Ndebele were crushed, Mugabe embarked on a war in the DRC as a means to acquire economic gains (for natural resources such as diamonds, precious metals, etc.) to fund programs and foster much needed economic gains in Zimbabwe. When the war in the DRC proved too costly, in both men and materiel, and many of his supporters began to call for him to step down because of the effects it had on Zimbabwe, Mugabe decided it was time to divide and conquer.
Mugabe started by claiming in 2000 that whites made up only 1% of the population but held 70% of all arable land. Mugabe charged that whites held improportionate control of the economy and decided it was time to rectify that problem. He seized on the underlying hatred the blacks had for white transgressions from two decades previous as well as frustration at continued white propserity as blacks remained in large part among the lower classes.
So Mugabe used the same excuses Amin did; foreigners and non-natives (non-blacks) were blamed for the nation's faults in order to divide his critics and turn them upon one another. His supporters, former members of his militias, government troops, and government officials, were all granted the right to steal farms, businesses, and more from non-blacks under the veil of "returning what was rightfully due to native Zimbabweans". Since Mugabe could not earn their support, he bought it.
The sad part of this entire affair is the ignorance of the native population. In 2005, after years of struggling to make some sort of change in the increasingly dire situation, the international community was able to force Mugabe to hold elections. Once more Mugabe warned the blacks of Zimbabwe that if they did not vote to retain him in office then the West would turn them into a puppet state, returning Zimbabwe to colonial status. This in itself was a joke as Zimbabwe, when it was Rhodesia, was not only better governed but in far better shape when it was a British colony. As was to be expected due to Zimbabwean xenophobia, the majority voted Mugabe back into office.
Do I feel a twinge of guilt at the glee I have at watching Zimbabwe burn? No. Two years ago these people were given a chance to avoid the slow genocide of their lands. Instead they knowingly approved of and continued to follow Mugabe down that broad path towards the cliff.
The people of Zimbabwe are a racist group who use past transgressions, some largely fabricated, to attack, rape, and murder whites in their country in order to satisfy their base desires. Pathetic in their lusts, shortsighted in their goals, and destined to turn on one another when there is no one else left to kill, Zimbabwe will not know peace until there is nothing left to destroy.
This devolving of a nation, the horrific atrocities as Zimbabwe tears itself apart is hypnotizing. Watching civilization crack and splinter, seeing the release of the demons inside these people: it is fascinating.
The only question I have for myself is why do I enjoy seeing this nation dissolve? Perhaps I have no heart; only a pit of darkness where life should beat.
My initial interest was drawn when I visited South Africa for the first time back in June 2000. I read an article on Mugabe's land redistribution plan which legitimized the stealing of farms from white farmers in order to give them to blacks, largely soldiers who had fought for Mugabe and independence from the prior white regime of Rhodesia, to further the "revolution". There was a bit of dark comedy involved as some of the "soldiers" claiming land had not been born until years after Mugabe had become leader of Zimbabwe. There also must have been some misunderstanding as these "soldiers" thought they had rights to many of the farmers' daughters too as they raped viciously during their expropriations.
From the get-go it was obvious there was no forward thinking involved in Mugabe's redistribution scheme. First, the process was not properly planned and allocated which led to chaos as multiple groups have laid claims to the same lands. In fact, many farms were seized before official orders were even established for their expropriation leading to Mugabe and his government cohorts to rush to keep up in printing legal decrees for seizures of property. Second, there was no training of these future black landowners in modern farming methods nor a gradual transfer from whites to blacks making it impossible to keep crop yields at then current levels (meaning pre-2000) as blacks proved ignorant of how to tend the land. Third, in disenfranchising the white groups of their land and thus causing a great fear that their savings would be next, Mugabe was rudely surprised by their withdrawal of much of their capital from Zimbabwe's banks as they fled to more hospitable, and law enforcing, lands. If one is to commit to a policy, one must go all the way. Mugabe must be kicking himself now for letting so much money slip through his fingers. He did eventually stop the flow of cash out of Zimbabwe but by then it had become a trickle as the majority of it was long gone.
The minute I read about what was happening I had flashbacks to Idi Amin and his stripping all non-blacks of property and wealth in order to purchase the support of Uganda's black citizens and buy legitimacy after his coup so that he could tighten his somewhat tenuous grip on power.
Amin had come to power via a coup not long after the United Kingdom had granted independence to his nation of Uganda. Despite freedom from colonial rule, many blacks still harbored animosity against their former white rulers, especially since following independence whites and Asians still controlled the majority of businesses, farms, and financial capital. Many blacks had come to think that changes would occur rapidly following indpendence with blacks realizing the prosperity they believed whites had held from them while in power. But political power did not equal economic change and the blacks became impatient and agitated. What many blacks saw was continued dominance by whites and other non-Africans leading to a subconscious belief that nothing had changed (save now there was a black puppet leader whose economic strings were pulled by Britain). What good was power without money? They still lived in slums. They still struggled in poverty. Nothing had really changed.
Amin, once in power, preyed on this belief by gradually clothing all non-blacks in every wrong imaginable for the nation of Uganda much in the same way Hitler and the Nazis had villified the Jews. Thus he began to expand his powerbase and draw support from the black population by turning them on white and Asian citizens, buying the blacks off in effect by giving them permission to seize the property of non-blacks for themselves. Finally power could be used to give the blacks what they wanted.
The only problem with this scenario of expropriation was it destroyed Uganda's infrastructure as thriving businesses were taken over by individuals who couldn't grasp simple mathematics let alone how to run a store. One funny incident had various natives, after taking over Asian and white owned clothing stores, selling pants based on their waist sizes believing that the numbers were the prices. So a 30" waist went for 30 Ugandan bucks.
Without individuals trained in management, technical aspects, electronics, etc., businesses rapidly closed down. No one knew how to formulate a plan, restock inventory, upkeep equipment, etc. Thus business, a necessary component for a middle class and a flourishing economy, vanished as no one from outside the country would dare invest in such an unstable climate and no one inside was capable of keeping it alive.
What Amin did, and what I foresaw happening to Zimbabwe under Mugabe, was create a culture of decline and violence, fashioning a climate of destruction rather than invention as he gave permission to the blacks of Uganda to finally release their repressed anger at decades of white rule. White dominance, as well as the rule of law they created, eroded. Safety came to rely not on government but power. Armed groups decided what would and would not happen. They stripped all non-blacks of everything they could get their hands on, businesses, belongings, and savings which took decades to build, and frittered it all away in a few years of wild pillaging. No one stopped to wonder what would happen when they ran out of victims.
The competent and critical elements of society were driven out as supporters were paid off. These supporters, soldiers and the mob, were really nothing more than muscle. They had no experience beyond beating the opposition down. And now they were in charge, a hungering mass that wanted to devour and was incapable of anything sustainable. But that was never their job, to create. They were around to enforce Amin's will. This was the overarching problem.
The loyalty of Amin's core supporters, his hatchet men, was based on what the leader could give them. Amin came to rely on them more and more as he ran out of ways to keep the trust of the majority of Uganda's citizens. Without foreigners and whites to blame, the economy wrecked, and no solution in sight, Amin used the only tool he had in his arsenal: brutal violence.
Thus the cycle continued to play out of divide and conquer. It had seen blacks versus whites/Asians. Once the whites/Asian were gone, Amin split the population between his security forces and the rest of Uganda. The only problem was he was running out of ways to keep the loyalty of his security forces.
As Uganda became more unstable, atrophying and rotting, and Amin continued to snatch whatever he could, he began to discover that after a while there wasn't anything left to grab. His security forces began to grumble because their pay dwindled and the remaining populace began to voice their dissent because of the fact that things were worse rather than better despite all non-blacks being driven from the nation, finally realizing they had been manipulated. The two forces were close to unifying against Amin because neither the security forces nor the citizens of Uganda were doing better than the other. Both were losing under him so why not remove him?
Amin did the only thing he could: he gave free reign to his security forces to murder, rob, and rape as they pleased. He openly sacrificed his own population, following that downward spiral further into the darkness, in order to pay off his supporters with blood when there was nothing left to give them. Thus he removed any chance of his security forces embracing the dissenting citizenry of Uganda.
I knew Mugabe was going to follow the same path. He had secured power from a nation long dominated by whites. There was a simmering anger held by the blacks over the repressive regime they had toppled. It was inevitable, Rhodesia's style of governance being heavily racist and oppressive of blacks.
At first Mugabe took the more enlightened path and followed a farsighted plan utilizing the white population's expertise in education, business, and farming. He had to. Problems with various separatist movements, as well as a war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, gave him viable excuses for why change was taking so long and why he could ill afford any radical economic changes in Zimbabwe. The separatist Ndebele nation allowed Mugabe to galvanize his people behind him against a force he could claim threatened the very independence they had finally won from white rule. Once the Ndebele were crushed, Mugabe embarked on a war in the DRC as a means to acquire economic gains (for natural resources such as diamonds, precious metals, etc.) to fund programs and foster much needed economic gains in Zimbabwe. When the war in the DRC proved too costly, in both men and materiel, and many of his supporters began to call for him to step down because of the effects it had on Zimbabwe, Mugabe decided it was time to divide and conquer.
Mugabe started by claiming in 2000 that whites made up only 1% of the population but held 70% of all arable land. Mugabe charged that whites held improportionate control of the economy and decided it was time to rectify that problem. He seized on the underlying hatred the blacks had for white transgressions from two decades previous as well as frustration at continued white propserity as blacks remained in large part among the lower classes.
So Mugabe used the same excuses Amin did; foreigners and non-natives (non-blacks) were blamed for the nation's faults in order to divide his critics and turn them upon one another. His supporters, former members of his militias, government troops, and government officials, were all granted the right to steal farms, businesses, and more from non-blacks under the veil of "returning what was rightfully due to native Zimbabweans". Since Mugabe could not earn their support, he bought it.
The sad part of this entire affair is the ignorance of the native population. In 2005, after years of struggling to make some sort of change in the increasingly dire situation, the international community was able to force Mugabe to hold elections. Once more Mugabe warned the blacks of Zimbabwe that if they did not vote to retain him in office then the West would turn them into a puppet state, returning Zimbabwe to colonial status. This in itself was a joke as Zimbabwe, when it was Rhodesia, was not only better governed but in far better shape when it was a British colony. As was to be expected due to Zimbabwean xenophobia, the majority voted Mugabe back into office.
Do I feel a twinge of guilt at the glee I have at watching Zimbabwe burn? No. Two years ago these people were given a chance to avoid the slow genocide of their lands. Instead they knowingly approved of and continued to follow Mugabe down that broad path towards the cliff.
The people of Zimbabwe are a racist group who use past transgressions, some largely fabricated, to attack, rape, and murder whites in their country in order to satisfy their base desires. Pathetic in their lusts, shortsighted in their goals, and destined to turn on one another when there is no one else left to kill, Zimbabwe will not know peace until there is nothing left to destroy.
This devolving of a nation, the horrific atrocities as Zimbabwe tears itself apart is hypnotizing. Watching civilization crack and splinter, seeing the release of the demons inside these people: it is fascinating.
The only question I have for myself is why do I enjoy seeing this nation dissolve? Perhaps I have no heart; only a pit of darkness where life should beat.
Dark Days
So I'm feeling quite depressed today. Remembering the past, lost moments. It's so hard facing today let alone tomorrow. I just keep looking backwards at what were better days.
Where am I going in life? I really wish I knew. Over a year and a half ago I thought my marriage was solid, I'd finally get that big break, and somehow realize my purpose in all this. Yet here I am now, divorced and alone, still clumsily feeling my way forward in the dark. Sure I'm closing in on another degree, but that is really me just spinning my wheels.
I want to write. I really do. It's the only thing I enjoy. I've created so much with my mind, given it substance on paper, passed it along via electronic waves throughout the net. And yet here I am still pretty much where I started.
I wonder if I am capable of moving forward. The thought of never accomplishing my destiny, whatever that may be, and dying alone...yeah, I never really thought I'd reach this point in life. After nearly thirty years I still haven't defined myself. I'm just a weathered boulder teetering on the edge of a cliff.
Where did my idealism go? Was it eroded by so many storms? It takes will anymore to keep going. Am I lying to myself or inspiring myself? A good question.
I guess I'm really not past the pain of last year. I'm not sure I ever will be.
I know, I am so depressing. Send me a million dollars, commission some work from me, or marry me! Help build my spirits!!!
Out of boredom I wrote some articles on Wikipedia. Yeah, pathetic, but it keeps the mind limber.
So I guess I'm out of here. I have family visiting for the week. Oh, and by the by, I finally sent some new material off to various publishers. Keep those fingers crossed that someone actually picks my stuff up for print.
Where am I going in life? I really wish I knew. Over a year and a half ago I thought my marriage was solid, I'd finally get that big break, and somehow realize my purpose in all this. Yet here I am now, divorced and alone, still clumsily feeling my way forward in the dark. Sure I'm closing in on another degree, but that is really me just spinning my wheels.
I want to write. I really do. It's the only thing I enjoy. I've created so much with my mind, given it substance on paper, passed it along via electronic waves throughout the net. And yet here I am still pretty much where I started.
I wonder if I am capable of moving forward. The thought of never accomplishing my destiny, whatever that may be, and dying alone...yeah, I never really thought I'd reach this point in life. After nearly thirty years I still haven't defined myself. I'm just a weathered boulder teetering on the edge of a cliff.
Where did my idealism go? Was it eroded by so many storms? It takes will anymore to keep going. Am I lying to myself or inspiring myself? A good question.
I guess I'm really not past the pain of last year. I'm not sure I ever will be.
I know, I am so depressing. Send me a million dollars, commission some work from me, or marry me! Help build my spirits!!!
Out of boredom I wrote some articles on Wikipedia. Yeah, pathetic, but it keeps the mind limber.
So I guess I'm out of here. I have family visiting for the week. Oh, and by the by, I finally sent some new material off to various publishers. Keep those fingers crossed that someone actually picks my stuff up for print.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
What is real save what I believe,
An illusion all mistakely weave
Around themselves like a collar,
A shroud through which to see.
My whims, my words, my wishes
All carve the 'real' from the darkness.
My world is structured
By the power of will,
With a foundation of experience
Upon which stands a thrusting tower,
Piercing Heaven,
Housing pulsing emotion.
Overtime, my heart reveals
Its traitorous designs.
Each beat steals faith,
Instills doubt,
Wakens me from dreams;
This tower my prison.
Each quake of my heart threatens me,
The beating uncertain.
It rules me.
Tyrant, sadistic despot
Who pains me
Refusing serenity.
But his grasp slackens
And my flesh surrenders.
My tongue dries
As ragged rasps
Pass my cracked lips
Like smoke from a dying fire.
My soul ascends from the vast desert.
Life, once grand, becomes a ruin
As the real collapses beneath me
Crushing life,
Ceasing thought,
And the abyss does swallow my tower.
An illusion all mistakely weave
Around themselves like a collar,
A shroud through which to see.
My whims, my words, my wishes
All carve the 'real' from the darkness.
My world is structured
By the power of will,
With a foundation of experience
Upon which stands a thrusting tower,
Piercing Heaven,
Housing pulsing emotion.
Overtime, my heart reveals
Its traitorous designs.
Each beat steals faith,
Instills doubt,
Wakens me from dreams;
This tower my prison.
Each quake of my heart threatens me,
The beating uncertain.
It rules me.
Tyrant, sadistic despot
Who pains me
Refusing serenity.
But his grasp slackens
And my flesh surrenders.
My tongue dries
As ragged rasps
Pass my cracked lips
Like smoke from a dying fire.
My soul ascends from the vast desert.
Life, once grand, becomes a ruin
As the real collapses beneath me
Crushing life,
Ceasing thought,
And the abyss does swallow my tower.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Cease and Desist
In an unexpected press conference earlier this week, the Lord Jesus, formerly of Bethlehem, asked charismatic and evangelical Christians everywhere to stop making art.
When asked why, the Son of the Almighty God responded simply, "It makes Me cry. Many charismatics are under the impression that I want them to be involved in creating vibrant, meaningful works that express My heart. While this call was given to the Church at large, it was never meant to include those of the charismatic persuasion. I'm sorry if there was any confusion on this very important point.
"Creating art should really be left to the Catholics. That's the way it has been done for centuries, and We have been blessed with the Sistine Chapel, Handel's Messiah, Dante's Inferno, heck, I even liked The Last Temptation of Christ. Willem Dafoe. He's intense."
Jesus assured the reporting press that this decision was not a hasty one, and that He had been watching the problem develop for several years.
"I first started to notice charismatics creating art in the late '60s when some ladies at a Pentecostal assembly in Encino made some banners to hang in their sanctuary," Jesus recalled. "The color choices were garish, and they over-estimated the effect of gold lamé, but I thought their hearts were in a good place, so I let it go. Sadly, the tradition they began continues to this day in churches across North America and the world.
"There was a brief time of hope in the early '70s, with the whole Jesus Movement thing. I mean, the music was great! It was about this time, however, that those rapture movies started getting made... the ones without Kirk Cameron. The Thief in the Night flicks. Again, while the direction, acting, production design, lighting, costuming, heck – even the on-set catering – was sub-par, I kinda liked the sincerity inherent in the attempt. They just wanted folks to know Me.
"However, the whole 'Oh, his heart's in the right place' thing can only take My all-sovereign mercy so far. I mean, this is the Alpha and Omega these folks are trying to represent here. The Judas Project is one thing, but Left Behind? Let's get serious. They made a rapture movie without even mentioning Jesus! I get more credit in an episode of Touched By An Angel!"
When asked if this "cease and desist" order applied to musicians as well, the Nazarene responded, "For now, I will continue to let evangelicals make music. We did get Keith Green, after all.
"I am giving some very strict guidelines for worship music, however. For example, when writing a new song, there shall be no further use of the words 'river,' 'fire,' 'mighty,' 'dancing' and especially not 'a-dancing.'
"This is no free ticket, and Carman, I'm watching you, bud. I've also given very specific instructions that no Christian charismatic musical artist should attempt acting and/or directing. God forbid We should end up with a Carman movie."
When one reporter pointed out that Carman had made the boxing "drama" The Champion, the Lord responded, "He did what? Oh, it's clobberin' time now!"
The conference ended a few minutes later, with the Prince of Peace adding that if the current trend of charismatics making art continued, He would consider granting the Catholic church exclusive rights to the name, image, and likeness of the Almighty.
"I feel it's a way of honoring My true fans, the ones who expect a certain level of quality and thoughtfulness when they see something with My Name attached to it."
Representatives at Carman's office in Tulsa, now only a smoking crater in the ground, could not be reached for comment.
When asked why, the Son of the Almighty God responded simply, "It makes Me cry. Many charismatics are under the impression that I want them to be involved in creating vibrant, meaningful works that express My heart. While this call was given to the Church at large, it was never meant to include those of the charismatic persuasion. I'm sorry if there was any confusion on this very important point.
"Creating art should really be left to the Catholics. That's the way it has been done for centuries, and We have been blessed with the Sistine Chapel, Handel's Messiah, Dante's Inferno, heck, I even liked The Last Temptation of Christ. Willem Dafoe. He's intense."
Jesus assured the reporting press that this decision was not a hasty one, and that He had been watching the problem develop for several years.
"I first started to notice charismatics creating art in the late '60s when some ladies at a Pentecostal assembly in Encino made some banners to hang in their sanctuary," Jesus recalled. "The color choices were garish, and they over-estimated the effect of gold lamé, but I thought their hearts were in a good place, so I let it go. Sadly, the tradition they began continues to this day in churches across North America and the world.
"There was a brief time of hope in the early '70s, with the whole Jesus Movement thing. I mean, the music was great! It was about this time, however, that those rapture movies started getting made... the ones without Kirk Cameron. The Thief in the Night flicks. Again, while the direction, acting, production design, lighting, costuming, heck – even the on-set catering – was sub-par, I kinda liked the sincerity inherent in the attempt. They just wanted folks to know Me.
"However, the whole 'Oh, his heart's in the right place' thing can only take My all-sovereign mercy so far. I mean, this is the Alpha and Omega these folks are trying to represent here. The Judas Project is one thing, but Left Behind? Let's get serious. They made a rapture movie without even mentioning Jesus! I get more credit in an episode of Touched By An Angel!"
When asked if this "cease and desist" order applied to musicians as well, the Nazarene responded, "For now, I will continue to let evangelicals make music. We did get Keith Green, after all.
"I am giving some very strict guidelines for worship music, however. For example, when writing a new song, there shall be no further use of the words 'river,' 'fire,' 'mighty,' 'dancing' and especially not 'a-dancing.'
"This is no free ticket, and Carman, I'm watching you, bud. I've also given very specific instructions that no Christian charismatic musical artist should attempt acting and/or directing. God forbid We should end up with a Carman movie."
When one reporter pointed out that Carman had made the boxing "drama" The Champion, the Lord responded, "He did what? Oh, it's clobberin' time now!"
The conference ended a few minutes later, with the Prince of Peace adding that if the current trend of charismatics making art continued, He would consider granting the Catholic church exclusive rights to the name, image, and likeness of the Almighty.
"I feel it's a way of honoring My true fans, the ones who expect a certain level of quality and thoughtfulness when they see something with My Name attached to it."
Representatives at Carman's office in Tulsa, now only a smoking crater in the ground, could not be reached for comment.
last temptation of christ,
sistine chapel,
willem dafoe
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Regarding To Catch a Predator (Thoughts after the marathon on MSNBC)
I am so tired of all of the complaints aimed at the "pedophiles" Chris Hansen catches because of this show. Much of it is unwarranted, and I will explain why:
Pedophilia is when adults are attracted to PRE-PUBESCENT children; Those who have not reached adolescence.
People who are attracted to teenagers who have gone through puberty and are no longer technically children are hebephiles.
It does make a difference. Hebephiles are usually not "preying" on anyone. A lot of the time, it's the older person in that arrangement that is being manipulated, and Perverted Justice has been taken to task many times for their questionable tactics.
Just answer this: If hottie Lindsey Lohan was coming on to you when she was 16 years old (Remember how she looked then? Before the cocaine?) and offered to fuck you, making it very clear that she's sexually active and sexually aware--- Wouldn't you at least be tempted? Would you consider being sexually attracted to her when she was that age "abnormal" or "sick"?
Apparently, nobody thought it was abnormal or sick, considering how they marketed her to audiences.
And it's not. She was a sexually mature adolescent, well past puberty, and she was clearly not an innocent lamb who would be the 'victim' if she flirted with an older guy.
I'm not defending kiddie-diddlers! ACTUAL pedophiles should be locked up and castrated as far as I'm concerned. I'm saying that being attracted to a sexually-aware teenager is completely different, and far less mentally unhealthy, than being attracted to pre-pubescent children. That's why the states can't seem to agree on their arbitrary Age of Consent. In one state it might be 12, and in another it's 18. It's ridiculous.
For the record, I lost my virginity at 15, to a 19-year-old. She lost hers when she was 14, to an 18-year-old. I have girlfriends who lost their virginity at 13, to guys in their late teens or even early 20s. None of them felt victimized. As a male, I certainly didn't feel victimized when I lost mine at 15, and harbor no ill will against the woman who took it.
Teenagers have sex, and people want to have sex with teenagers. It's human biology. I think Perverted Justice needs to drop the age of their decoy by about three to five years if they want to be taken seriously, and I really wish people would stop using the word "pedophile" to describe someone being attracted to a girl with breasts, curves, pubes, and a period. Poor taste or bad judgment-- Yes. Evil kiddie diddlers? No.
That being said, I wouldn't fool around with any teenagers because they'd be less than half my age, and they're really, really fucking annoying. Who wants a girlfriend who can't shut up, has serious hormonal imbalance and emotional issues, and has the attention span of a housefly? No thanks.
Pedophilia is when adults are attracted to PRE-PUBESCENT children; Those who have not reached adolescence.
People who are attracted to teenagers who have gone through puberty and are no longer technically children are hebephiles.
It does make a difference. Hebephiles are usually not "preying" on anyone. A lot of the time, it's the older person in that arrangement that is being manipulated, and Perverted Justice has been taken to task many times for their questionable tactics.
Just answer this: If hottie Lindsey Lohan was coming on to you when she was 16 years old (Remember how she looked then? Before the cocaine?) and offered to fuck you, making it very clear that she's sexually active and sexually aware--- Wouldn't you at least be tempted? Would you consider being sexually attracted to her when she was that age "abnormal" or "sick"?
Apparently, nobody thought it was abnormal or sick, considering how they marketed her to audiences.
And it's not. She was a sexually mature adolescent, well past puberty, and she was clearly not an innocent lamb who would be the 'victim' if she flirted with an older guy.
I'm not defending kiddie-diddlers! ACTUAL pedophiles should be locked up and castrated as far as I'm concerned. I'm saying that being attracted to a sexually-aware teenager is completely different, and far less mentally unhealthy, than being attracted to pre-pubescent children. That's why the states can't seem to agree on their arbitrary Age of Consent. In one state it might be 12, and in another it's 18. It's ridiculous.
For the record, I lost my virginity at 15, to a 19-year-old. She lost hers when she was 14, to an 18-year-old. I have girlfriends who lost their virginity at 13, to guys in their late teens or even early 20s. None of them felt victimized. As a male, I certainly didn't feel victimized when I lost mine at 15, and harbor no ill will against the woman who took it.
Teenagers have sex, and people want to have sex with teenagers. It's human biology. I think Perverted Justice needs to drop the age of their decoy by about three to five years if they want to be taken seriously, and I really wish people would stop using the word "pedophile" to describe someone being attracted to a girl with breasts, curves, pubes, and a period. Poor taste or bad judgment-- Yes. Evil kiddie diddlers? No.
That being said, I wouldn't fool around with any teenagers because they'd be less than half my age, and they're really, really fucking annoying. Who wants a girlfriend who can't shut up, has serious hormonal imbalance and emotional issues, and has the attention span of a housefly? No thanks.
chris hansen,
lindsay lohan,
to catch a predator
A Spider-Man Who Could Have Been
Dear God, I finally found the script (with storyboards) of James Cameron's Spider-Man movie.
For those who never knew, shortly after T2 Cameron had a strong desire to make Spider-Man his next directorial effort. Corolco Pictures hurried out to buy the rights in order to supplicate their biggest moneymaking figure and to secure their next big blockbuster.
Problems arose as various studios fought over the rights to Spider-Man (no one knew who the hell owned the rights due to a series of nightmarish events as various producers bought, sold, and traded the rights with vague understandings of exactly what those rights really were)and were further compounded by the problem of Marvel Comics going bankrupt (and the publisher thus declaring the property reverted back to them in order to make much needed money) which drew out the various question of who owned the movie rights for close to a decade. In that time, James Cameron wrote a script for use on the picture which never was filmed due to Cameron's interest waning as the trial went on and his apparent retirement after the masterpiece which was Titanic. It would seem Cameron simply didn't have the balls to attempt another movie for fear of being compared to what was arguably his best picture.
As to the script, it is much different in tone from the Raimi version though some of the scenes were used (and diluted for a younger, more general audience) . I will say I prefer Cameron's much more adult take on Spider-Man. He feels realized perfectly especially for a city like NYC. Sorry, but I could never really believe in Raimi's version of Peter. A wimp like that surviving in the Big Apple was not only ludicrous but highly grating. Raimi's Spidey was a whining little wimp. Cameron's Spidey not only had an inner strength but a much more noble, albeit juvenile, slant. It's also not nearly as over the top as Raimi's Spidey would become with Part 2 being the only redeemable part of the series with Part 1 being far too campy with Goblin/Dafoe, the wrestling scene, and other characterizations/plot points I nitpick over while Part 3 was shallow, overpacked, and not really believable in even a comic book universe. Cameron's Spidey lives in a gritty, violent, very real world who doesn't wear some designer superhero suit. The villains are cold blooded, thought out, and driven.
The part which draws me most is the fact that Cameron has the character nailed much better than Raimi's scripts ever did. There are the quips and a very real story of angst as Parker matures and becomes a man. This would not have had Maguire as the lead. I don't care how you try to twist the character, Maguire never would have come across as a joking, strong willed Peter Parker. Maguire has always based his Parker more along the lines of Reeve's Clark Kent rather than what Parker really should have been: a goofy kid trying to figure out just who the hell he really was. Parker's shy, easily pushed around personality does not jive with the empowerment he discovers through becoming Spider-Man. Raimi and Maguire play Peter Parker as two separate individuals while Cameron did the right thing showing them to be one and the same.
You can catch that script here. Enjoy what could have been, my fellows.
For those who never knew, shortly after T2 Cameron had a strong desire to make Spider-Man his next directorial effort. Corolco Pictures hurried out to buy the rights in order to supplicate their biggest moneymaking figure and to secure their next big blockbuster.
Problems arose as various studios fought over the rights to Spider-Man (no one knew who the hell owned the rights due to a series of nightmarish events as various producers bought, sold, and traded the rights with vague understandings of exactly what those rights really were)and were further compounded by the problem of Marvel Comics going bankrupt (and the publisher thus declaring the property reverted back to them in order to make much needed money) which drew out the various question of who owned the movie rights for close to a decade. In that time, James Cameron wrote a script for use on the picture which never was filmed due to Cameron's interest waning as the trial went on and his apparent retirement after the masterpiece which was Titanic. It would seem Cameron simply didn't have the balls to attempt another movie for fear of being compared to what was arguably his best picture.
As to the script, it is much different in tone from the Raimi version though some of the scenes were used (and diluted for a younger, more general audience) . I will say I prefer Cameron's much more adult take on Spider-Man. He feels realized perfectly especially for a city like NYC. Sorry, but I could never really believe in Raimi's version of Peter. A wimp like that surviving in the Big Apple was not only ludicrous but highly grating. Raimi's Spidey was a whining little wimp. Cameron's Spidey not only had an inner strength but a much more noble, albeit juvenile, slant. It's also not nearly as over the top as Raimi's Spidey would become with Part 2 being the only redeemable part of the series with Part 1 being far too campy with Goblin/Dafoe, the wrestling scene, and other characterizations/plot points I nitpick over while Part 3 was shallow, overpacked, and not really believable in even a comic book universe. Cameron's Spidey lives in a gritty, violent, very real world who doesn't wear some designer superhero suit. The villains are cold blooded, thought out, and driven.
The part which draws me most is the fact that Cameron has the character nailed much better than Raimi's scripts ever did. There are the quips and a very real story of angst as Parker matures and becomes a man. This would not have had Maguire as the lead. I don't care how you try to twist the character, Maguire never would have come across as a joking, strong willed Peter Parker. Maguire has always based his Parker more along the lines of Reeve's Clark Kent rather than what Parker really should have been: a goofy kid trying to figure out just who the hell he really was. Parker's shy, easily pushed around personality does not jive with the empowerment he discovers through becoming Spider-Man. Raimi and Maguire play Peter Parker as two separate individuals while Cameron did the right thing showing them to be one and the same.
You can catch that script here. Enjoy what could have been, my fellows.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Masturbating does NOT Make You Blind
A report today challenges the notion that excessive self-abuse can affect your eyesight.
Mr Konstantine Pullinmeov, of the National Board Of Flaggelators, Fettlers and Five-Knuckle Shufflers has submitted his findings to a panel of independant anti-bellringers in Brussels.
The NBFFF has for many years campaigned for the awareness of the benefits of regular "clearing of the pipes", and has often protested for public pleasuring to be made legal. The 80 page report highlights masturbation through history, and dismisses the old adage of "Wank Blindness".
When asked for further proof, Mr Pullinmeov was seen to talk to a coat-stand for 15 minutes before being physically turned towards the panel by an embarrassed colleague.
Psychiatry Deemed a Religion in New Study
Researchers at Jakarta's renowned Hebrew University recently published a study conclusively proving that Psychiatry should be classified as a religion. The study consisted of a study of Psychiatric textbooks and journals (which will now be known as scriptures) and interviews with Psychiatrists (better classified as priests) and patients (hereafter known as "the flock").
This work brings a logical answer to many nagging questions, like how Psychiatry could be considered the "authority" in matters of the mind when their results in the field have been poor, and are known to cause more damage than benefit. It may also shed some light on the tendency of Psychiatrists to molest children in a much higher percentage than the general populace.
"Psychiatry is portrayed alternately as a scientific study or branch of medicine but either of these is rapidly disproved," says Moshe Sapere of Hebrew University. "The science of Psychiatry is flawed. Their studies are mainly funded by drug companies and they publish illogical conclusions which - Surprise! - make the drug companies look good. Psychiatry claims similarity to medicine but this is in reality only marketing; the only real similarities to actual medicine are clothing and terminology. If you dressed up a parrot in a doctor's smock and taught it some Latin phrases, it wouldn't be a doctor. It's the same with Psychiatrists."
Some of the researchers were reluctant to agree with the "religion" moniker for a group known to be profit-based and harmful, but a study of religions of the past shows that many have been used for profit and have done harm to others. The matter of faith in a deity was also a sticking point but a study of Psychiatric scriptures reveals that Psychiatrists believe in an invisible entity known as "chemical imbalance". The existence of Chemical Imbalance is stated as fact in the texts though there is no proof of his existence, analogous to a Christian's belief in God or a Muslim's belief in Allah.
The key answer that led the researchers to declare Psychiatry as a religion is that their High Priests demand complete belief in unobservable phenomena and continue to forward their beliefs despite no obvious benefit. They are also known to vehemently attack anyone who points out the lack of proof to their claims. Most religions promise salvation in a future existence. Psychiatry does not specifically make those claims but clearly provides dubious benefit in this existence. The researchers are pleased that they have been able to finally clarify this subject and would like to pass the following message to Psychiatrists worldwide, "may Chemical Imbalance bless you".
This work brings a logical answer to many nagging questions, like how Psychiatry could be considered the "authority" in matters of the mind when their results in the field have been poor, and are known to cause more damage than benefit. It may also shed some light on the tendency of Psychiatrists to molest children in a much higher percentage than the general populace.
"Psychiatry is portrayed alternately as a scientific study or branch of medicine but either of these is rapidly disproved," says Moshe Sapere of Hebrew University. "The science of Psychiatry is flawed. Their studies are mainly funded by drug companies and they publish illogical conclusions which - Surprise! - make the drug companies look good. Psychiatry claims similarity to medicine but this is in reality only marketing; the only real similarities to actual medicine are clothing and terminology. If you dressed up a parrot in a doctor's smock and taught it some Latin phrases, it wouldn't be a doctor. It's the same with Psychiatrists."
Some of the researchers were reluctant to agree with the "religion" moniker for a group known to be profit-based and harmful, but a study of religions of the past shows that many have been used for profit and have done harm to others. The matter of faith in a deity was also a sticking point but a study of Psychiatric scriptures reveals that Psychiatrists believe in an invisible entity known as "chemical imbalance". The existence of Chemical Imbalance is stated as fact in the texts though there is no proof of his existence, analogous to a Christian's belief in God or a Muslim's belief in Allah.
The key answer that led the researchers to declare Psychiatry as a religion is that their High Priests demand complete belief in unobservable phenomena and continue to forward their beliefs despite no obvious benefit. They are also known to vehemently attack anyone who points out the lack of proof to their claims. Most religions promise salvation in a future existence. Psychiatry does not specifically make those claims but clearly provides dubious benefit in this existence. The researchers are pleased that they have been able to finally clarify this subject and would like to pass the following message to Psychiatrists worldwide, "may Chemical Imbalance bless you".
Cheney Entirely New Branch of Government, He Says
For the last four years, [Vice President Cheney] has been defying a presidential order requiring executive branch agencies to account for the classified information they handle. When the agency that enforces this rule tried to do its job, Mr. Cheney proposed abolishing the agency.
Mr. Cheney, who has been at the heart of the administration's darkest episodes, has bizarre reasons for doing that. The Times reported that the vice president does not consider himself a mere member of the executive branch.
In response to inquiries concerning his failure to follow the laws applying to the White House and the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, Dick Cheney revealed today that he is his own branch of government. Mr. Cheney, who will no longer go by the title of Vice President, said that he had not previously disclosed this information "for national security reasons." The new branch of government will be known as the Undisclosed Branch of Government, spokesmen said. The title of the branch of government -- and Mr. Cheney's actual title -- is classified.
Mr. Cheney disclosed that his office encompasses Executive, Congressional, and Judicial functions. In an usual display of cnador, aides to Cheney announced that, just as he spends time in the White House and the Capitol Building, he also spends a significant amount of time working at the Supreme Court. "This is one of the heretofore 'undisclosed locations,'" an aide divulged. The aide, who did not reveal his name because he feared future indictment by prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, said that Cheney was secretly known as "the Tenth Justice".
Critics said that Mr. Cheney was out of line. "He can't just create his own branch of government," said Constiutional Scholar Professor Jenna Blinkerton. "That, in itself, is against the law."
Cheney responded that his critics were "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" after which the FBI took Professor Blinkerton into custody and placed her in a naval brig in North Carolina.
Mr. Cheney also contended that if he were breaking a law, he could only be prosecuted by the Other Undisclosed Branch of Government, which is made up of his wife, Lynn Cheney, his daughters, one of his dogs, and Alberto Gonzales.
Mr. Cheney, who has been at the heart of the administration's darkest episodes, has bizarre reasons for doing that. The Times reported that the vice president does not consider himself a mere member of the executive branch.
In response to inquiries concerning his failure to follow the laws applying to the White House and the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, Dick Cheney revealed today that he is his own branch of government. Mr. Cheney, who will no longer go by the title of Vice President, said that he had not previously disclosed this information "for national security reasons." The new branch of government will be known as the Undisclosed Branch of Government, spokesmen said. The title of the branch of government -- and Mr. Cheney's actual title -- is classified.
Mr. Cheney disclosed that his office encompasses Executive, Congressional, and Judicial functions. In an usual display of cnador, aides to Cheney announced that, just as he spends time in the White House and the Capitol Building, he also spends a significant amount of time working at the Supreme Court. "This is one of the heretofore 'undisclosed locations,'" an aide divulged. The aide, who did not reveal his name because he feared future indictment by prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, said that Cheney was secretly known as "the Tenth Justice".
Critics said that Mr. Cheney was out of line. "He can't just create his own branch of government," said Constiutional Scholar Professor Jenna Blinkerton. "That, in itself, is against the law."
Cheney responded that his critics were "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" after which the FBI took Professor Blinkerton into custody and placed her in a naval brig in North Carolina.
Mr. Cheney also contended that if he were breaking a law, he could only be prosecuted by the Other Undisclosed Branch of Government, which is made up of his wife, Lynn Cheney, his daughters, one of his dogs, and Alberto Gonzales.
Bush to Review Excessive Sentence Claims Of Million Other Felons
In light of his commutation of what he called the "excessive sentence" of I. Lewis Libby today, President Bush has agreed to review all sentences in the United States because "that would only be fair."
"Judges and panels of judges routinely review excessive sentence claims throughout the land," said Bush, " but the Libby case has made me see that our exhaustive system of appellate review is flawed."
The judge in the Libby case followed strict federal guidelines written by Congress and the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which labored for years to write an exacting code that was designed to ensure that all felons were treated equally. "What the guidelines do not take into account," said Bush, "is that some felons are more equal than others."
"These so-called 'guidelines' do not give adequate guidance to judges in certain cases," Bush said. His voice quavered as he added, "Some people -- for instance, rich and the powerful Republicans who, through no mistake of their own, are accidentally caught breaking the law -- sometimes do not receive proper treatment." Bush was then too overcome by emotion to continue with his statement. He retired to his residence on Kennebunkport to swill beer with President Putin, who agreed with the President's actions.
"In my country when pipples lied to the State, we tortured them," the former head of the KGB said, "except when they were fellow KGB. Then we clapped them on the back and danced with vodka bottles on our heads."
Other felons praised the President's decision. George Finnerty, a real estate maven doing six years for lying the I.R.S. about his income, said that Bush had "given all liars real hope."
Douglas W. Cox, who got ten months for testifying falsely about the ownership of five vending machines, prayed for Bush's forgiveness but was pessimistic. "I didn't come close to obstructing a Federal investigation of crime at the very highest levels of government," said Cox, shaking his head. "I don't think I qualify for the Libby treatment."
For her part, Lady Justice was happy to hear about President Bush's actions. "I'm so glad I'm not completely blind," she said.
"Judges and panels of judges routinely review excessive sentence claims throughout the land," said Bush, " but the Libby case has made me see that our exhaustive system of appellate review is flawed."
The judge in the Libby case followed strict federal guidelines written by Congress and the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which labored for years to write an exacting code that was designed to ensure that all felons were treated equally. "What the guidelines do not take into account," said Bush, "is that some felons are more equal than others."
"These so-called 'guidelines' do not give adequate guidance to judges in certain cases," Bush said. His voice quavered as he added, "Some people -- for instance, rich and the powerful Republicans who, through no mistake of their own, are accidentally caught breaking the law -- sometimes do not receive proper treatment." Bush was then too overcome by emotion to continue with his statement. He retired to his residence on Kennebunkport to swill beer with President Putin, who agreed with the President's actions.
"In my country when pipples lied to the State, we tortured them," the former head of the KGB said, "except when they were fellow KGB. Then we clapped them on the back and danced with vodka bottles on our heads."
Other felons praised the President's decision. George Finnerty, a real estate maven doing six years for lying the I.R.S. about his income, said that Bush had "given all liars real hope."
Douglas W. Cox, who got ten months for testifying falsely about the ownership of five vending machines, prayed for Bush's forgiveness but was pessimistic. "I didn't come close to obstructing a Federal investigation of crime at the very highest levels of government," said Cox, shaking his head. "I don't think I qualify for the Libby treatment."
For her part, Lady Justice was happy to hear about President Bush's actions. "I'm so glad I'm not completely blind," she said.
Close Encounters
I was lucky to see this in a theater when Columbia brought their selections from the 100 greatest films back for a week in 1999, and I was really surprised at what a well put-together film it is, and how refreshing it was to see a movie that is NOT from the 90's!
The first thing apparent about this film is that it takes its time -- a la 2001-- to really set up effects and atmosphere. And you can really admire Spielberg's way with composing shots to convey information -- and it seems so masterful and exciting, rather than the rather lifelessly formulized direction he often gives now (though I do remember being startled at certain shots in Amistad). You think: "Wow, he really was a very talented, personal filmmaker at one time." Sometimes I feel like now he's become more of a public figure, afraid to offend anyone.
Of course I had seen this movie a thousand times as a kid, and this was the first time I had watched it since then. Two other aspects really stood out on re-viewing: I was surprised how masterful the shocks are in the first half. Certain aspects of the aliens visits are very scary, and these scenes were terribly exciting. I still love the scene in which Richard Dreyfuss' truck is scanned by the UFO -- leaving him twitching with terror afterwards. The trademark Spielbergian "sense of wonder" really does seem scary/wondrous here.
The other really striking thing is how real and nasty the scenes of domestic disintegration are. I was shocked at the nastiness of the scene in which Richard is looking at the paper while the kids are screaming, Teri Garr is nagging him, and in the background one of the kids is banging a human doll against a baby hamper until the head falls off. Teri Garr does a good job at playing a truly hateful, bitter and disappointed wife. Most movies nowadays are so respectful of both sides that you don’t see something this raw in anything mainstream anymore. At one point Richard is saying to his wife "I'm scared, just hold me" while she's screaming "I hate you!" It's really intense and shocking. And when Richard is playing with his mashed potatoes and looks up to realize his entire family thinks he's gone insane -- and his son starts crying at seeing him like that -- it's a scene that might be too intense in a flat-out tearjerker drama, and it adds a great weight to his wish to just get off the planet once and for all. I had heard rumors that Speilberg was getting divorced just before this film… well, there ya are.
In the second half of the film, Richard hooks up with a similar looking but different wife figure. I think the key scene here is when he says to the surrogate wife "I have to [leave you and] go down there [to the spaceships]" and she says "I know," and wishes him well, where his real wife would have said "but what about me?" It's about being trapped in a marriage with a person who inhibits your life and dreams, rather than encouraging you to pursue them.
The special effects are also amazing -- much more amazing, I think, than modern, computer-generated special effects, because there’s still a sense of “how did they do that?” as opposed to “oh, it was all on the computer.” Even when you can actually see lightbulbs and stuff -- the spaceships here really seem incredible. For some reason the realism and detail of modern computer generated spaceships seem very mundane by comparison. Here they found a way to make a bunch of lightbulbs seem really otherworldly -- now that you can show anything you want, that touch of creativity and wonder is gone forever.
Anyway, it's too bad people can't always see this on the big screen. It's so nice to watch a film all the way through without answering the phone or talking out loud, and it's wonderful to be with a big audience who is really into what the movie is doing to them. This movie is prime early Speilberg, everything is in place, and it makes a wonderfully complete entertainment with just enough depth and subtext. Anyway, nice work, Steve!
What the "Left Behind" Series Really Means
A Whore That Sitteth on Many Waters
"Jesus merely raised one hand a few inches and a yawning chasm opened in the earth, stretching far and wide enough to swallow all of them. They tumbled in, howling and screeching, but their wailing was soon quashed and all was silent when the earth closed itself again."
-- From Glorious Appearing by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
"The best thing about the Left Behind books is the way the non-Christians get their guts pulled out by God."
-- 15-year old fundamentalist fan of the Left Behind series
That is the sophisticated language and appeal of America’s all-time best selling adult novels celebrating the ethnic cleansing of non-Christians at the hands of Christ. If a Muslim were to write an Islamic version of the last book in the Left Behind series, Glorious Appearing, and publish it across the Middle East, Americans would go beserk. Yet tens of millions of Christians eagerly await and celebrate an End Time when everyone who disagrees with them will be murdered in ways that make Islamic beheading look like a bridal shower. Jesus -- who apparently has a much nastier streak than we have been led to believe -- merely speaks and "the bodies of the enemy are ripped wide open down the middle." In the book Christians have to drive carefully to avoid "hitting splayed and filleted corpses of men and women and horses" Even as the riders’ tongues are melting in their mouths and they are being wide open gutted by God’s own hand, the poor damned horses are getting the same treatment. Sort of a divinely inspired version of "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on."
This may be some of the bloodiest hate fiction ever published, but it is also what tens of millions of Americans believe is God’s will. It is approximately what everyone in the congregation sitting around me last Sunday at my brother’s church believes. Or some version of it. How can anyone acquire and hold such notions? Answer: The same way you got yours and I got mine. Conditioning. From family and school and society, but from within a different American caste than the one in which you were raised. And from things stamped deep in childhood -- such as coming home terrified to an empty house.
One September day when I was in the third grade I got off the school bus and walked up the red dust powdered lane to my house only to find no one there. The smudgy white front door of the old frame house stood open. My footsteps on the unpainted gray porch creaked in the fall stillness. With increasing panic, I went through every room, and then ran around the outside crying and sobbing in the grip of the most horrific loneliness and terror. I believed with all my heart that The Rapture had come and that all my family had been taken up to heaven leaving me alone on earth to face God’s terrible wrath. As it turned out they were at the neighbor’s house scarcely 300 yards down the road, and returned in a few minutes. But it took me hours to calm down. I dreamed about it for years afterward.
Since then I have spoken to others raised in fundamentalist families who had the same childhood experience of coming home and thinking everyone had been "raptured up." The Rapture -- the time when God takes up all saved Christians before he lets loose slaughter, pestilence and torture upon the earth -- is very real to people in whom its glorious and grisly promise was instilled and cultivated from birth. Even those who escape fundamentalism agree its marks are permanent. We may no longer believe in being raptured up, but the grim fundamentalist architecture of the soul stands in the background of our days. There is an apocalyptic starkness that remains somewhere inside us, one that tinges all of our feelings and thoughts of higher matters. Especially about death, oh beautiful and terrible death, for naked eternity is more real to us than to you secular humanists. I get mail from hundreds of folks like me, the different ones who fled and became lawyers and teachers and therapists and car mechanics, dope dealers and stockbrokers and waitresses. And every one of them has felt that thing we understand between us, that skulls piled clear to heaven redemption through absolute self worthlessness and you ain’t shit in the eyes of God so go bleed to death in some dark corner stab in the heart at those very moments when we should have been most proud of ourselves. Self-hate. That thing that makes us sabotage our own inner happiness when we are most free and operating as self-realizing individuals. This kind of Christianity is a black thing. It is a blood religion, that willingly gives up sons to America’s campaigns in the Holy Land, hoping they will bring on the much-anticipated war between good and evil in the Middle East that will hasten the End Times. Bring Jesus back to Earth.
Whatever the case, tens of millions of American fundamentalists, despite their claims otherwise, read and absorb the all-time best selling Left Behind book series as prophesy and fact. How could they possibly not after being conditioned all their lives to accept the End Times as the ultimate reality? We are talking about a group of Americans 20% of whose children graduate from high school identifying H2O as a cable channel. Children who, like their parents and grandparents, come from that roughly half of all Americans who can approximately read, but are dysfunctionally literate to the extent they cannot grasp any textual abstraction or overall thematic content.
Most of my family and their church friends (mainly the women) have read at least some of the Left Behind series and if pressed they will claim they understand that it is fiction. But anyone who has heard fundies around the kitchen table discussing the books knows the claim is pure bullshit. "Well, they do get an awful lot of stuff exactly right," they admit. Beyond that, most fundamentalists delight in seeing their beliefs as "persecuted Christians" become best sellers "under the guise of fiction," as the Pentecostal assistant who used to work with me put it. "They show the triumph of the righteous over those who persecute us for our faith in God." Fer cryin out loud, Christianity is scarcely a persecuted belief system in this country, or in need of a guise to protect itself. Year after year some 60% of Americans surveyed say they believe the Book of Revelations will come true and about 40% believe it will come true in their lifetimes. This from the 50% of Americans who, according to statistics, seldom if ever buy a book.
Fetishizing of the End Times as a spectacular gore-fest visited upon on the unbelievers is nothing new. But the sheer number of people gleefully enjoying the spectacle of their own blackest magical thinking made manifest by mass media is new. Or at least the media aspect is new. It reinforces the major appeal of these beliefs, the appeal being (to restate the obvious) that they get to pass judgment on everyone who disagrees with them, and then watch God kick the living snot out of them. It doesn’t get any better than that.
All my life I have seen these people and there are no more or less of them proportionately than before. It is simply that, A) they have built their own massive media, and B) educated middle class folks are noticing them now because they vote and a major political party is willing to violate the church-state boundary to get their votes. They have always been out here and always in about the same percentages. Think about that. It took me a while to accept it too. But George W. Bush learned the significance of this while campaigning for his daddy back when he was supposed to be at his National Guard meetings. Part of his job was to bring in the fundie Christian vote for Poppy. Come George’s turn to play poker for the presidency in that quadrennial rich man’s game we call elections, Sparky knew what cards to play. The effete John Kerry had not a clue. Still doesn’t. Neither did you. Right? Don’t feel bad. I even knew the great unwashed tribes of the faithful were out here, wrote spooky and panicked articles about it before the elections and still underestimated the capability of the death obsessed Christian right.
Lookie here. If you think I’m overcounting, think one more time about those Left Behind books that have sold over 65 million copies at this writing. Sold to people who do not even like or buy books. Gore Vidal and Susan Sontag never wrote anything that sold 65 million. That lead-footed prose and numbing predictability that Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye grind out in the Left Behind series might not even be called writing. But whatever it is, at least 65 million folks that our nation failed to educate find deep meaning and solace in it. LaHaye has also sold 120 million non-fiction books, which makes him the most successful Christian writer since the Bible.
Sales figures aside, it is entirely possible that the Left Behind series is as important in our time and cultural context as was, say, Harriet Beecher’s Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin in its time, wherein Lincoln called it "the little book that started the big war." The truth is that LaHaye is among the most influential religious writers America ever produced and is the most powerful fundamentalist in America today. He is the founder and first president of the eerily secretive Council for National Policy, which brings together leading evangelicals and other conservatives with right-wing billionaires willing to pay for a conservative religious revolution. He is far more influential than Billy Graham or Pat Robertson and was the man who inspired Jerry Falwell to launch the Moral Majority. He gave millions of dollars to Falwell's Liberty University. He’s the man without whom Ronald Reagan would never have become governor of California and the man who grilled George W. Bush, then wiped the cocaine off George’s nose and gave him the official Christian fundie stamp of approval. He created the American Coalition for Traditional Values that has mobilized evangelical voters, putting neo-conservative wackjobs into political offices across the nation. In short, he is the Godfather of Soul, fundie style. When the man lays it down, his peeps doo dey duty.
Scratch LaHaye and you’ll find an honest-to-god surviving John Bircher. In the 1960s when LaHaye was a young up-and-coming Baptist preacher fresh out of Bob Jones University, he lectured on behalf of Republican Robert Welch’s John Birch Society. We are talking about a man who believed Dwight Eisenhower was an agent of the Communist Party taking orders from his brother, Milt Eisenhower. Along the way LaHaye extended his paranoid list of villains to include secular humanists who "are Satan’s agents hiding behind the Constitution." And the only way to destroy them is to destroy their cover.
I have asked preachers about the Left Behind books. They all claim to have reservations about them. Fundie preachers are snarky about any beliefs that do not precisely mirror their own, and no two ever agree completely. They publicly find fault with the apocalyptic Left Behind books even as they privately enjoy the books’ popularity. Most say the series overestimates the number of people going to heaven. Which figures, given that their stock and trade is the divine exclusivity of a club called "The Saved." No sense in ruining the brand by franchising it too cheaply.
Same goes for television as for the Christian pop-lit. Fundamentalists delighted in the NBC series Revelations. Admittedly it was a bullshit job from network people who had not the slightest understanding of the subject, but could smell more money the closer they got to it. They were right. Xian fundies sucked it up. Coolly as if butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths, the fundies I know denied they enjoyed Revelations at all because the producers "got some things wrong," (as if it were possible to be wrong regarding dire predictions made centuries ago by superstitious mystic fanatics about something that never came to pass.) They say the main thing wrong was having Christ return as a little child. Most hardcore fundies preferred their vision of a Rambo Jesus arriving to beat the fuck out of everybody who ever disagreed with Him or them -- sinners’ eyeballs turning to putrid jelly, blood flowing everywhere, etc. (In Revelations Jesus arrives on horseback wearing a blood soaked robe.)
These media products are more than harmless American Christian kitsch culture or just more American religious swill. Swill it may be, but it is also dangerous propaganda and the writers know damned well that propaganda value. Just as the propaganda value of associating Jewish people with rats in Nazi Germany helped the German populace accept persecution of the Jews, the Left Behind books foster a morality that excuses horrors done to "non-believers." Forget about sanity and reason. Christian fundamentalist media promotes a hermetic worldview cut off from reason. From the standpoint of those who consume such media messages, it is not so much propaganda as it is an abundant offering so complete as to be a parallel bizzaro world of its own. It gives answers to questions not even asked.
It is a world in which the Secretary General of the United Nations is the anti-Christ (Left Behind) and the "Clinton Crime Family" deals in cocaine and is linked to the Gambino family (Joshua Project, and other sources.) It is one in which abortion doctors are microwaving and eating fetuses according to testimony given by anti-abortionists before a Kansas House subcommittee (WorldNetDaily, of course) and where crowds of good folks get teary-eyed as Rev. Pat Evans, of the NASCAR "Racing for Jesus Ministries’ rumbles onto the track. Evangelical NASCAR? Yup. What ABC called America’s "unapologetically evangelical sport." I can see you dear reader, running and holding your head and screaming at the thought. Yet it’s true. At Bristol and Talladega the earth is shaking for Jaaaayzus! Now that we have Evangelical NASCAR, what, I ask you, can ever go wrong?
"To be saved is to fall into the ludicrous and satanic flippancy of false piety, kitsch."
-- Trappist monk Thomas Merton
Forty years later Merton is still right. Like most American liberals, not to mention all of Europe and the rest of the world, I learned through education to write the U.S. born-again literature off as kitsch religion, merely bad theology in an unholy marriage to bad writing. Another product of the American Jesus industry. If we liberals can name it, assign it to some appropriately vulgar and sentimental corner of our degraded culture, and then remain tolerant of it, then we feel have dealt with the damned thing. After all, it is the comparative worldview of the teeming red state masses. But there is certain arrogance in such pop cultural erudition and thin worldliness, isn’t there? In itself, our attitude is too flip.
It took coming home to a born again red state to realize how cultural documents such as Left Behind or the movies Revelations and Passion of the Christ do great harm, and at a critical time when we are facing economic upheaval, fighting illegal wars and suffering deep religious antipathies across the planet. "Aw," my liberal New York and West Coast friends tell me, "That is overstating the case. The Democrats will eventually be back in power." We cannot afford to wait a few more years and see. No matter if the Dems actually can be elected back into powerlessness, they will have needed at least some of these people’s votes to get there. Next election we will find out if it is possible to be elected without the fundamentalist Christians. So far the Democratic political elite, who only take their thumb out of their ass to change thumbs, has not been able to stop the religious right’s relentless push. And I think it is because, at least from where I sit right now, the democratic establishment has not offered, much less delivered, and is incapable of delivering what my people really need -- decent educations so they will not be prey to three thousand year old superstitions.
The left has yet to demand for all Americans a genuine absolutely free education, an opportunity to enjoy a life of the mind, or to even know such a thing exists. Hell, you got yours and I got mine, right? So screw’em. We progressives have failed. We were always and still are our brother's keeper and now the throw-away Americans, the ugly little dickhead at the car wash and the truck driver and the guy who delivers the bottled water to our offices are coming to get our assess, even though they aren’t quite sure why. My Random House editor told me not to get on a soapbox about this, but I cannot help it. (Sorry, Rachel)
I am not trying to be smart-assed, but to indicate the fear of what is unfolding around me as a person living in the belly of the beast. The reality gap between fundamentalist and urban liberals is unfathomable. Liberal observers watching from a safe distance in New York or San Francisco conclude it is pure stupidity that caused millions of Americans to continue support of the Bush junta in the face of overwhelming evidence of lies, deceit and contempt for the constitution, even as the fat cats raided their retirements and picked their pockets at every turn. Others think it is just plain meanness that attracted them to Bush. And so do I sometimes, because stupidity (the Jesus stockcar entries should be proof enough) and meanness are surely part of the attraction to a certain type of conservative -- that poisonous toad Karl Rove being their chief deity of meanness for meanness sake.
There remains one nagging problem. Despite their masochistic voting patterns, fundamentalists are very ordinary and normal Americans. People who often as not go out of their way to help others and endorse most American values. So how do we reconcile the warmth and good nature of these hardworking citizens with the repressive politics, intolerance, nationalism and warmaking they support? Why do such ordinary people do such awful things? The Germans have been wrestling with that one for 60 years, and sixty more years from now they still will have not solved the riddle in any meaningful way for the rest of the world. Barring ecological and cultural collapse, historians will say America suffered under the same sort of extraordinary delusion, a national hallucination of God and empire and exceptionalism. The thing about a hallucination -- and take it from a person who has enjoyed many fine ones on various chemicals and herbs -- is that it is a convincing reality in its time. Try talking to a fundamentalist about politics and God for an hour. You will see the spell that holds sway. Let us be thankful for pro sports or we would have nothing whatsoever to talk about on those rare occasions when a fundamentalist and a liberal ever bother to speak to one another.
Allow me to get down to the nub of this and say what urban liberals cannot allow themselves to say out loud: "Christian majority or not, the readers of such apocalyptic books as the Left Behind series are some pretty damned dumb motherfuckers caught up in their own black, vindictive fantasy." There. I said it for you. Let us proceed.
Beyond that, there is a more mundane aspect of the success of the Left Behind books. It is fair to say that Left Behind readers are happy to discover a pop-lit phenomenon that they can participate in at all -- popular literature that doesn’t conflict with their insulated and armor plated world view. At last they have something else to read besides Guideposts and Readers Digest, both of which pass as highbrow lit in most fundamentalist households. Aw come on. You know it is the truth the same as I do. If you go into the homes of most fundamentalists, you will not find many books at all, much less books that contain real ideas. Now they have the Left Behind series, the huge sales of which, as they see it, validate their beliefs. I know I am painting with a mighty wide brush, but so what? It’s by and large true. Considering that by no means do all fundamentalists believe in The Rapture, and that the whole Rapture thing is a cult within a larger cult, the popularity of the Left Behind series says something about the sheer scale of apocalyptic Christianity in the American heartland today. Do the readers believe the books? Again, I would say most do. Here are a couple of typical reader testimonials for the books:
"This series of books is the best I have ever read. I have looked long and hard to find a resource that put scripture into easy to read, and understand format. Many people I know get frustrated when they try to read scripture because they have trouble understanding the language. ... Now after reading these books I have a better understanding of where I stand at this moment."
"I started reading the Left Behind series in 2000 with the first book in paperback. ... I read it and was impressed with how well written it was and have read or own every book. In impact, it has gotten me closer to God than where I was before. ... I grew up in church, but was always afraid of what was supposed to happen at the end times. I was afraid of the Book of Revelation, because the thought of all of the evil that had to be fought terrified me. While reading the Left Behind series, I followed along with my Bible, and I am so excited that I am understanding and learning more than I ever have. I am no longer afraid of the fight against evil, because I know that I am on the side of the greatest and most powerful force. Thank you for getting me started on this path of learning."
These people may not be your neighbors or friends, but they are ordinary and typical Americans. If you the reader are a college educated middle class person, then folks like those above outnumber you roughly three to one in this country. If that is not reason enough to drink, then I don’t know what is. No matter what happens, in the next election, we are going to be dealing for a long time to come with millions of voters who think Left Behind is great literature, spiritual guidance and a political primer all in one.
Do we really think that cartload of bloated hacks called the Democratic Party knows what to do about this? Do you really think Howard Dean has a clue about how to deal with this entire class of Americans. Hardly. And besides, even if the Dems can get elected again and restored to the impotency they have come to represent, they will have needed these people’s votes to get there. Or they simply will not get there. So let’s not expect the Democratic political elite to save us from watching the fundie takeover attempts escalate in the future (In which case, assuming my book makes some real dough, I will be watching from abroad, thank you.) Essentially it comes down to the fact that a very large portion of Americans are crazier than shithouse rats and are being led by a gang of pathological misfits, most of whom are preachers and politicians. We are not talking about simple religious faith here. There is a world of difference between having religious faith and being a born-again zealot who believes in his heart that he is thumping Darwinian demons out of classrooms and that Ted Kennedy is the anti-Christ. Trading down to the Democratic party of the pussies really will not save us. It will just buy a little time. But we have whipped the hell out of this dead horse before, haven’t we? Forgive me.
Meanwhile, we are left to contemplate communication with these folks, people whose leaders deliver unfathomable pronouncements such as the following one regarding family finances and the national economy from a Christian radio broadcast.
The mystery of the harlot of Jerusalem is solved, people! Praise the Lord!
Deuteronomy 15:6 says plain as the nose on your face that "For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee. Therefore, the harlot is NOT the gentile nations! "The harlot controls and rules over the gentile nations, sitting on them." Rev 17:1. And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: Rev 17:15. And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. NOW IS THAT NOT PROOF ENOUGH?
Get that?
Me neither.
But what the hell. It makes sense to millions of voting Americans. So do I hear a great big Amen out there?
I get reminders of fundamentalism’s dark magical thinking every day. And it is always the little unexpected ones that slap me hardest with the reality that these people are in the grip of their mass delusion 24 hours a day. A couple of weeks ago I loaned my brother my old truck until he could get his engine rebuilt. A week later he retuned it with much sincere thanks and a smile. On the vent window of my truck is a 4-inch decal, a silhouette of two square dancers (my father-in-law, who gave me the truck, was a square dancer.) When I climbed into it the next day I noticed that the square dancers were covered over both inside and outside the glass with two layers of duct tape. After all, we cannot be riding around in trucks with demonic emblems blasting out invisible rays of Satan’s "Power of the air," can we?
"Jesus merely raised one hand a few inches and a yawning chasm opened in the earth, stretching far and wide enough to swallow all of them. They tumbled in, howling and screeching, but their wailing was soon quashed and all was silent when the earth closed itself again."
-- From Glorious Appearing by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
"The best thing about the Left Behind books is the way the non-Christians get their guts pulled out by God."
-- 15-year old fundamentalist fan of the Left Behind series
That is the sophisticated language and appeal of America’s all-time best selling adult novels celebrating the ethnic cleansing of non-Christians at the hands of Christ. If a Muslim were to write an Islamic version of the last book in the Left Behind series, Glorious Appearing, and publish it across the Middle East, Americans would go beserk. Yet tens of millions of Christians eagerly await and celebrate an End Time when everyone who disagrees with them will be murdered in ways that make Islamic beheading look like a bridal shower. Jesus -- who apparently has a much nastier streak than we have been led to believe -- merely speaks and "the bodies of the enemy are ripped wide open down the middle." In the book Christians have to drive carefully to avoid "hitting splayed and filleted corpses of men and women and horses" Even as the riders’ tongues are melting in their mouths and they are being wide open gutted by God’s own hand, the poor damned horses are getting the same treatment. Sort of a divinely inspired version of "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on."
This may be some of the bloodiest hate fiction ever published, but it is also what tens of millions of Americans believe is God’s will. It is approximately what everyone in the congregation sitting around me last Sunday at my brother’s church believes. Or some version of it. How can anyone acquire and hold such notions? Answer: The same way you got yours and I got mine. Conditioning. From family and school and society, but from within a different American caste than the one in which you were raised. And from things stamped deep in childhood -- such as coming home terrified to an empty house.
One September day when I was in the third grade I got off the school bus and walked up the red dust powdered lane to my house only to find no one there. The smudgy white front door of the old frame house stood open. My footsteps on the unpainted gray porch creaked in the fall stillness. With increasing panic, I went through every room, and then ran around the outside crying and sobbing in the grip of the most horrific loneliness and terror. I believed with all my heart that The Rapture had come and that all my family had been taken up to heaven leaving me alone on earth to face God’s terrible wrath. As it turned out they were at the neighbor’s house scarcely 300 yards down the road, and returned in a few minutes. But it took me hours to calm down. I dreamed about it for years afterward.
Since then I have spoken to others raised in fundamentalist families who had the same childhood experience of coming home and thinking everyone had been "raptured up." The Rapture -- the time when God takes up all saved Christians before he lets loose slaughter, pestilence and torture upon the earth -- is very real to people in whom its glorious and grisly promise was instilled and cultivated from birth. Even those who escape fundamentalism agree its marks are permanent. We may no longer believe in being raptured up, but the grim fundamentalist architecture of the soul stands in the background of our days. There is an apocalyptic starkness that remains somewhere inside us, one that tinges all of our feelings and thoughts of higher matters. Especially about death, oh beautiful and terrible death, for naked eternity is more real to us than to you secular humanists. I get mail from hundreds of folks like me, the different ones who fled and became lawyers and teachers and therapists and car mechanics, dope dealers and stockbrokers and waitresses. And every one of them has felt that thing we understand between us, that skulls piled clear to heaven redemption through absolute self worthlessness and you ain’t shit in the eyes of God so go bleed to death in some dark corner stab in the heart at those very moments when we should have been most proud of ourselves. Self-hate. That thing that makes us sabotage our own inner happiness when we are most free and operating as self-realizing individuals. This kind of Christianity is a black thing. It is a blood religion, that willingly gives up sons to America’s campaigns in the Holy Land, hoping they will bring on the much-anticipated war between good and evil in the Middle East that will hasten the End Times. Bring Jesus back to Earth.
Whatever the case, tens of millions of American fundamentalists, despite their claims otherwise, read and absorb the all-time best selling Left Behind book series as prophesy and fact. How could they possibly not after being conditioned all their lives to accept the End Times as the ultimate reality? We are talking about a group of Americans 20% of whose children graduate from high school identifying H2O as a cable channel. Children who, like their parents and grandparents, come from that roughly half of all Americans who can approximately read, but are dysfunctionally literate to the extent they cannot grasp any textual abstraction or overall thematic content.
Most of my family and their church friends (mainly the women) have read at least some of the Left Behind series and if pressed they will claim they understand that it is fiction. But anyone who has heard fundies around the kitchen table discussing the books knows the claim is pure bullshit. "Well, they do get an awful lot of stuff exactly right," they admit. Beyond that, most fundamentalists delight in seeing their beliefs as "persecuted Christians" become best sellers "under the guise of fiction," as the Pentecostal assistant who used to work with me put it. "They show the triumph of the righteous over those who persecute us for our faith in God." Fer cryin out loud, Christianity is scarcely a persecuted belief system in this country, or in need of a guise to protect itself. Year after year some 60% of Americans surveyed say they believe the Book of Revelations will come true and about 40% believe it will come true in their lifetimes. This from the 50% of Americans who, according to statistics, seldom if ever buy a book.
Fetishizing of the End Times as a spectacular gore-fest visited upon on the unbelievers is nothing new. But the sheer number of people gleefully enjoying the spectacle of their own blackest magical thinking made manifest by mass media is new. Or at least the media aspect is new. It reinforces the major appeal of these beliefs, the appeal being (to restate the obvious) that they get to pass judgment on everyone who disagrees with them, and then watch God kick the living snot out of them. It doesn’t get any better than that.
All my life I have seen these people and there are no more or less of them proportionately than before. It is simply that, A) they have built their own massive media, and B) educated middle class folks are noticing them now because they vote and a major political party is willing to violate the church-state boundary to get their votes. They have always been out here and always in about the same percentages. Think about that. It took me a while to accept it too. But George W. Bush learned the significance of this while campaigning for his daddy back when he was supposed to be at his National Guard meetings. Part of his job was to bring in the fundie Christian vote for Poppy. Come George’s turn to play poker for the presidency in that quadrennial rich man’s game we call elections, Sparky knew what cards to play. The effete John Kerry had not a clue. Still doesn’t. Neither did you. Right? Don’t feel bad. I even knew the great unwashed tribes of the faithful were out here, wrote spooky and panicked articles about it before the elections and still underestimated the capability of the death obsessed Christian right.
Lookie here. If you think I’m overcounting, think one more time about those Left Behind books that have sold over 65 million copies at this writing. Sold to people who do not even like or buy books. Gore Vidal and Susan Sontag never wrote anything that sold 65 million. That lead-footed prose and numbing predictability that Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye grind out in the Left Behind series might not even be called writing. But whatever it is, at least 65 million folks that our nation failed to educate find deep meaning and solace in it. LaHaye has also sold 120 million non-fiction books, which makes him the most successful Christian writer since the Bible.
Sales figures aside, it is entirely possible that the Left Behind series is as important in our time and cultural context as was, say, Harriet Beecher’s Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin in its time, wherein Lincoln called it "the little book that started the big war." The truth is that LaHaye is among the most influential religious writers America ever produced and is the most powerful fundamentalist in America today. He is the founder and first president of the eerily secretive Council for National Policy, which brings together leading evangelicals and other conservatives with right-wing billionaires willing to pay for a conservative religious revolution. He is far more influential than Billy Graham or Pat Robertson and was the man who inspired Jerry Falwell to launch the Moral Majority. He gave millions of dollars to Falwell's Liberty University. He’s the man without whom Ronald Reagan would never have become governor of California and the man who grilled George W. Bush, then wiped the cocaine off George’s nose and gave him the official Christian fundie stamp of approval. He created the American Coalition for Traditional Values that has mobilized evangelical voters, putting neo-conservative wackjobs into political offices across the nation. In short, he is the Godfather of Soul, fundie style. When the man lays it down, his peeps doo dey duty.
Scratch LaHaye and you’ll find an honest-to-god surviving John Bircher. In the 1960s when LaHaye was a young up-and-coming Baptist preacher fresh out of Bob Jones University, he lectured on behalf of Republican Robert Welch’s John Birch Society. We are talking about a man who believed Dwight Eisenhower was an agent of the Communist Party taking orders from his brother, Milt Eisenhower. Along the way LaHaye extended his paranoid list of villains to include secular humanists who "are Satan’s agents hiding behind the Constitution." And the only way to destroy them is to destroy their cover.
I have asked preachers about the Left Behind books. They all claim to have reservations about them. Fundie preachers are snarky about any beliefs that do not precisely mirror their own, and no two ever agree completely. They publicly find fault with the apocalyptic Left Behind books even as they privately enjoy the books’ popularity. Most say the series overestimates the number of people going to heaven. Which figures, given that their stock and trade is the divine exclusivity of a club called "The Saved." No sense in ruining the brand by franchising it too cheaply.
Same goes for television as for the Christian pop-lit. Fundamentalists delighted in the NBC series Revelations. Admittedly it was a bullshit job from network people who had not the slightest understanding of the subject, but could smell more money the closer they got to it. They were right. Xian fundies sucked it up. Coolly as if butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths, the fundies I know denied they enjoyed Revelations at all because the producers "got some things wrong," (as if it were possible to be wrong regarding dire predictions made centuries ago by superstitious mystic fanatics about something that never came to pass.) They say the main thing wrong was having Christ return as a little child. Most hardcore fundies preferred their vision of a Rambo Jesus arriving to beat the fuck out of everybody who ever disagreed with Him or them -- sinners’ eyeballs turning to putrid jelly, blood flowing everywhere, etc. (In Revelations Jesus arrives on horseback wearing a blood soaked robe.)
These media products are more than harmless American Christian kitsch culture or just more American religious swill. Swill it may be, but it is also dangerous propaganda and the writers know damned well that propaganda value. Just as the propaganda value of associating Jewish people with rats in Nazi Germany helped the German populace accept persecution of the Jews, the Left Behind books foster a morality that excuses horrors done to "non-believers." Forget about sanity and reason. Christian fundamentalist media promotes a hermetic worldview cut off from reason. From the standpoint of those who consume such media messages, it is not so much propaganda as it is an abundant offering so complete as to be a parallel bizzaro world of its own. It gives answers to questions not even asked.
It is a world in which the Secretary General of the United Nations is the anti-Christ (Left Behind) and the "Clinton Crime Family" deals in cocaine and is linked to the Gambino family (Joshua Project, and other sources.) It is one in which abortion doctors are microwaving and eating fetuses according to testimony given by anti-abortionists before a Kansas House subcommittee (WorldNetDaily, of course) and where crowds of good folks get teary-eyed as Rev. Pat Evans, of the NASCAR "Racing for Jesus Ministries’ rumbles onto the track. Evangelical NASCAR? Yup. What ABC called America’s "unapologetically evangelical sport." I can see you dear reader, running and holding your head and screaming at the thought. Yet it’s true. At Bristol and Talladega the earth is shaking for Jaaaayzus! Now that we have Evangelical NASCAR, what, I ask you, can ever go wrong?
"To be saved is to fall into the ludicrous and satanic flippancy of false piety, kitsch."
-- Trappist monk Thomas Merton
Forty years later Merton is still right. Like most American liberals, not to mention all of Europe and the rest of the world, I learned through education to write the U.S. born-again literature off as kitsch religion, merely bad theology in an unholy marriage to bad writing. Another product of the American Jesus industry. If we liberals can name it, assign it to some appropriately vulgar and sentimental corner of our degraded culture, and then remain tolerant of it, then we feel have dealt with the damned thing. After all, it is the comparative worldview of the teeming red state masses. But there is certain arrogance in such pop cultural erudition and thin worldliness, isn’t there? In itself, our attitude is too flip.
It took coming home to a born again red state to realize how cultural documents such as Left Behind or the movies Revelations and Passion of the Christ do great harm, and at a critical time when we are facing economic upheaval, fighting illegal wars and suffering deep religious antipathies across the planet. "Aw," my liberal New York and West Coast friends tell me, "That is overstating the case. The Democrats will eventually be back in power." We cannot afford to wait a few more years and see. No matter if the Dems actually can be elected back into powerlessness, they will have needed at least some of these people’s votes to get there. Next election we will find out if it is possible to be elected without the fundamentalist Christians. So far the Democratic political elite, who only take their thumb out of their ass to change thumbs, has not been able to stop the religious right’s relentless push. And I think it is because, at least from where I sit right now, the democratic establishment has not offered, much less delivered, and is incapable of delivering what my people really need -- decent educations so they will not be prey to three thousand year old superstitions.
The left has yet to demand for all Americans a genuine absolutely free education, an opportunity to enjoy a life of the mind, or to even know such a thing exists. Hell, you got yours and I got mine, right? So screw’em. We progressives have failed. We were always and still are our brother's keeper and now the throw-away Americans, the ugly little dickhead at the car wash and the truck driver and the guy who delivers the bottled water to our offices are coming to get our assess, even though they aren’t quite sure why. My Random House editor told me not to get on a soapbox about this, but I cannot help it. (Sorry, Rachel)
I am not trying to be smart-assed, but to indicate the fear of what is unfolding around me as a person living in the belly of the beast. The reality gap between fundamentalist and urban liberals is unfathomable. Liberal observers watching from a safe distance in New York or San Francisco conclude it is pure stupidity that caused millions of Americans to continue support of the Bush junta in the face of overwhelming evidence of lies, deceit and contempt for the constitution, even as the fat cats raided their retirements and picked their pockets at every turn. Others think it is just plain meanness that attracted them to Bush. And so do I sometimes, because stupidity (the Jesus stockcar entries should be proof enough) and meanness are surely part of the attraction to a certain type of conservative -- that poisonous toad Karl Rove being their chief deity of meanness for meanness sake.
There remains one nagging problem. Despite their masochistic voting patterns, fundamentalists are very ordinary and normal Americans. People who often as not go out of their way to help others and endorse most American values. So how do we reconcile the warmth and good nature of these hardworking citizens with the repressive politics, intolerance, nationalism and warmaking they support? Why do such ordinary people do such awful things? The Germans have been wrestling with that one for 60 years, and sixty more years from now they still will have not solved the riddle in any meaningful way for the rest of the world. Barring ecological and cultural collapse, historians will say America suffered under the same sort of extraordinary delusion, a national hallucination of God and empire and exceptionalism. The thing about a hallucination -- and take it from a person who has enjoyed many fine ones on various chemicals and herbs -- is that it is a convincing reality in its time. Try talking to a fundamentalist about politics and God for an hour. You will see the spell that holds sway. Let us be thankful for pro sports or we would have nothing whatsoever to talk about on those rare occasions when a fundamentalist and a liberal ever bother to speak to one another.
Allow me to get down to the nub of this and say what urban liberals cannot allow themselves to say out loud: "Christian majority or not, the readers of such apocalyptic books as the Left Behind series are some pretty damned dumb motherfuckers caught up in their own black, vindictive fantasy." There. I said it for you. Let us proceed.
Beyond that, there is a more mundane aspect of the success of the Left Behind books. It is fair to say that Left Behind readers are happy to discover a pop-lit phenomenon that they can participate in at all -- popular literature that doesn’t conflict with their insulated and armor plated world view. At last they have something else to read besides Guideposts and Readers Digest, both of which pass as highbrow lit in most fundamentalist households. Aw come on. You know it is the truth the same as I do. If you go into the homes of most fundamentalists, you will not find many books at all, much less books that contain real ideas. Now they have the Left Behind series, the huge sales of which, as they see it, validate their beliefs. I know I am painting with a mighty wide brush, but so what? It’s by and large true. Considering that by no means do all fundamentalists believe in The Rapture, and that the whole Rapture thing is a cult within a larger cult, the popularity of the Left Behind series says something about the sheer scale of apocalyptic Christianity in the American heartland today. Do the readers believe the books? Again, I would say most do. Here are a couple of typical reader testimonials for the books:
"This series of books is the best I have ever read. I have looked long and hard to find a resource that put scripture into easy to read, and understand format. Many people I know get frustrated when they try to read scripture because they have trouble understanding the language. ... Now after reading these books I have a better understanding of where I stand at this moment."
"I started reading the Left Behind series in 2000 with the first book in paperback. ... I read it and was impressed with how well written it was and have read or own every book. In impact, it has gotten me closer to God than where I was before. ... I grew up in church, but was always afraid of what was supposed to happen at the end times. I was afraid of the Book of Revelation, because the thought of all of the evil that had to be fought terrified me. While reading the Left Behind series, I followed along with my Bible, and I am so excited that I am understanding and learning more than I ever have. I am no longer afraid of the fight against evil, because I know that I am on the side of the greatest and most powerful force. Thank you for getting me started on this path of learning."
These people may not be your neighbors or friends, but they are ordinary and typical Americans. If you the reader are a college educated middle class person, then folks like those above outnumber you roughly three to one in this country. If that is not reason enough to drink, then I don’t know what is. No matter what happens, in the next election, we are going to be dealing for a long time to come with millions of voters who think Left Behind is great literature, spiritual guidance and a political primer all in one.
Do we really think that cartload of bloated hacks called the Democratic Party knows what to do about this? Do you really think Howard Dean has a clue about how to deal with this entire class of Americans. Hardly. And besides, even if the Dems can get elected again and restored to the impotency they have come to represent, they will have needed these people’s votes to get there. Or they simply will not get there. So let’s not expect the Democratic political elite to save us from watching the fundie takeover attempts escalate in the future (In which case, assuming my book makes some real dough, I will be watching from abroad, thank you.) Essentially it comes down to the fact that a very large portion of Americans are crazier than shithouse rats and are being led by a gang of pathological misfits, most of whom are preachers and politicians. We are not talking about simple religious faith here. There is a world of difference between having religious faith and being a born-again zealot who believes in his heart that he is thumping Darwinian demons out of classrooms and that Ted Kennedy is the anti-Christ. Trading down to the Democratic party of the pussies really will not save us. It will just buy a little time. But we have whipped the hell out of this dead horse before, haven’t we? Forgive me.
Meanwhile, we are left to contemplate communication with these folks, people whose leaders deliver unfathomable pronouncements such as the following one regarding family finances and the national economy from a Christian radio broadcast.
The mystery of the harlot of Jerusalem is solved, people! Praise the Lord!
Deuteronomy 15:6 says plain as the nose on your face that "For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee. Therefore, the harlot is NOT the gentile nations! "The harlot controls and rules over the gentile nations, sitting on them." Rev 17:1. And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: Rev 17:15. And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. NOW IS THAT NOT PROOF ENOUGH?
Get that?
Me neither.
But what the hell. It makes sense to millions of voting Americans. So do I hear a great big Amen out there?
I get reminders of fundamentalism’s dark magical thinking every day. And it is always the little unexpected ones that slap me hardest with the reality that these people are in the grip of their mass delusion 24 hours a day. A couple of weeks ago I loaned my brother my old truck until he could get his engine rebuilt. A week later he retuned it with much sincere thanks and a smile. On the vent window of my truck is a 4-inch decal, a silhouette of two square dancers (my father-in-law, who gave me the truck, was a square dancer.) When I climbed into it the next day I noticed that the square dancers were covered over both inside and outside the glass with two layers of duct tape. After all, we cannot be riding around in trucks with demonic emblems blasting out invisible rays of Satan’s "Power of the air," can we?
Left Behind,
ronald reagan,
thomas merton,
uncle tom
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